Just letting you guys know the goal is to get a bunch of my collabs done and out of the way by Thursday. From Thursday to Sunday I'll be gone for a wedding. So will [@BeastofDestiny] since he's in the wedding party with me. My awesome co-gms [@smarty0114][@Legion02] are in charge of holding down the fort until my return. Just making sure Delrium shenanigans are as fun and wild as can be (but within reason). I'd also like my boyfriend and advisor to help them too since he won't be coming with me and he has a pretty good idea of my mind in general [@Viciousmarrow]. These three people are law while I'm gone. [hr] [color=ed1c24]Collabs I'm in.[/color] [s]- Gianna and Tristram[/s] - Eliana and Will - Virgil and Cara. - And another one where I'm controlling the Harts for a couple of cast members. Ideally I'll finish Gianna and Eliana's collabs soon.