[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/77ZNPuV.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Aliron stared at Sully skeptically. [b]"So let me get this straight. We all got kidnapped cause your 'organization' let a geek make a machine that gave people superpowers use it on himself and is now a power hungry scientist dude? What's more he's so super that your whole secret organization shtick can't bring him down? If so then what make us safe here? Finally."[/b] At this a more serious glint shone in Aliron's eyes and his voice changed from the escalating anger and disdain to cold focus. [b]"Where is my god dam suitcase?"[/b] Odd purple distortions in the air occurred around him. At this point it wasn't even really about the suitcase. Aliron could care less about the suitcase's contents. It was what the suitcase represented that he wanted back. Aliron was, though he may not seem it, a fairly young individual with practically no experience outside of his own personal world. His city jump had been a decision that was rather reckless and poorly thought through. His time in this new city had been somewhat stressful as he'd been able to accomplish little, had no friends there and had done a surprisingly poor job of making them. He knew these people around him were judging him even now. His self-confidence had already been dwindling. The party was supposed to fix that, make some friends, have some food, maybe win something. Instead he'd been robbed and kidnapped, and locked into area 51 by the Illuminati. Yesterday hadn't been a great day. Today was a downright rotten day so far. In fact his whole week hadn't been much fun and to cap it all off the voices wouldn't shut up. Aliron was kind of at his breaking point. So he needed something tangible to ground himself again. To someone who didn't know these things his demand no doubt seemed trivial and petty. Aliron was well aware of this and in his mind, was all the more reason he should get his suitcase back. Was it really so much to ask?