[@ElfLordElphias][@alexfangtalon][@Lucidnonsense][@Serious Face][@neogreggory] Alrighty, I think this will be enough people for the first attempt at this. Five is a good number. After counting up the votes, we have three for Monster with Disaster coming in a close second at two. So now let us move on to the next step of the process: Monster creation! Now since you're all going to be working on this, there is going to be some back and forth discussion between all players. Discuss and debate as you will, I just ask that you keep it civil and be fair to each other. Work together, combine and build off of ideas until we've got a monster that everyone would be proud to have hunting them down. What it looks like, how it behaves, strengths and weaknesses, ect. I only have three basic guidelines to follow here: 1. The strengths and weaknesses of the monster you create have to make some kind of sense: This is just some simple common sense. A werewolf like creature that is a physical apex predator isn't going to be making people's heads explode with physic powers just like the frail squid monster with physic powers isn't going to be able to sniff someone out by scent. 2. For every two strengths that the monster has, it must have a weakness: Got to give the victims some sort of chance, right? 3. 'Strengths' can be a positive trait rather then a power while 'Weaknesses' don't have to actually be harmful: Not every monster is like Superman; Many of them only have one or two 'powers' but have the cunning and intelligence to by ruthlessly effective with them. Likewise, weaknesses don't always have to cause the monster pain; A monster that tracks by scent might just dislike the smell of Lavender and might avoid hunting a person who manages to mask their scent in the stuff if the only trail is a scent based one.