The sun was now filling the beach with a clear light as it fully rose above the horizon. As the two talked, their senses would slowly press about them. With every waking second of conversation each of the two would notice more details about the beach as well as each other. The beach itself was indeed covered in drift wood, meaning that starting a fire would, or rather should, be easy. The wrecked dwarven ship looked to be very solid despite its rust and age. It could offer them shelter should they manage to cooperate. Several other ships were buried in the sand of the beach. Most of them capsized and buried further inland towards this massive looming cliff. The cliff itself looked to be natural despite its very unnatural height. The ship had a large hole in the left side, the side facing them. This hole was even with the sands, and would allow anyone to walk within the bowels of the ship. Zarriia would notice that this elf seemed to be in no position to harm her other than for his own survival, and that he could very well dry out her rather damp clothing. If anything, he could start a fire for them to cook fish on should they manage to catch any. Aquilan would notice that this woman was unnaturally calm. It would seem that she was very used to dangers and bad situations, not only that but her bow could be used to fish. Whatever supplies were in that boat would not last forever. The choice was now theirs to make.