William looked at Shiver with concern showing on his face and said " [color=orange] I hope he is ok , Shiver. A little. Too much water for me but it didn't matter once I started helping those people. I almost had a blast. [/color] " , he realized that what he said could be interpreted in a bad way and quickly added " [color=orange] In the fun way , not the big badda boom way. [/color] " William thought a little about her proposition. He didn't wanted to refuse the lady but he also didn't wanted for people to think that he is some kind of pervert. He looked around a little and then back at Shiver. " [color=orange] Ok , sure. Let's go watch TV but please [/color] " he made a pause and continued " [color=orange] don't try to take advantage of me. I'm just a farm boy [/color] " joked William. Trying to be friendly. [@Wick] Two mentions. Shiver must really want to talk with William xD Hey ! It ain't fair. There were two mentions there !