Angel remained outside. He laid flat on his back with his wings spread out. A huge grin on his face with his eyes shut. He was clearly enjoying this to the fullest. [hr] Anubis remained on the couch in the lounge. Empty Starbucks cups gathered around him like a cult. He sighed. [color=yellow]"It would seem I have something I must do."[/color] Anubis stood and silently left. He went to each survivors house and of them...three were killed. They were meant to die on that plane no matter what. It was their time. After doing so he returned in his jackal form and hopped up on the couch. He looked regal yet he seemed somewhat saddened by what he had done. [hr] Cal had gotten yelled at because he had managed to trip and hurt himself. He was fine yet he was stuck in the medical wing. Arms crossed as he huffed. [color=orange]"Man I get hurt once and now any little thing gets me in trouble"[/color] a huff. [color=orange]"I'm clumsy dammit"[/color] he did not seem happy.