[center][img] http://i.imgur.com/1WyTVrv.jpg [/img][/center] Noelle kept quiet and followed after Whitney, holding onto the girl's clothes as an afraid child, always hiding behind her with face filled with fear and suspicion. She didn't really trust this Sully character. He abducted them! Like a common criminal, he drugged them so they couldn't resist and now htey were in this place god knows where. She feared what he would do if they refused to play by his rules. When he explained the situation, Noelle made an irriated explression, glaring at him without moving away from Whitney. The Aliron guy asked some pretty valid questions there... except the one about hte suitcase. What made them safer here? There was no way this place would truly be safe from whomever had the skills to create a machine that creatures superheroes basically. [color=6ecff6] "If... he finds us out here... you gathered us all in one place..." [/color]Her voice suddenly chimmed in through the briefing room, causing everythign to vibrate for a slight moment as she kept her 'voice' weak. Noelle didn't really want to blow out hte lamps... just yet[color=6ecff6]."... with us gathered... if he finds this place... you basically give us all away on a silver platter..." [/color] [color=6ecff6]"Also Syndicate... is a name only villains use..."[/color] She growled at him, holding onto Whitney's sleeve.