[img]https://i.imgur.com/q964FNz.png[/img] Morgan’s mind had been fully consumed by weariness. With all of these life altering events of the past few hours, his body experienced the full brunt of the day, both from battle and information. [i][color=fff200]’I just need to sleep.’[/color][/i] The vampire thought with a weary side long glance at Ixion. How the red hooded mercenary had managed to hold up this far, Morgan would not know. I’on had already disappeared, and as Ixion said his farewells to the sisters, the vampire would follow suite, turning on his heel, walking towards the door of the now destroyed inn. I’on may have already paid for rooms in the inn, but Morgan could never get used to the idea of sleeping indoors. [i][color=fff200]’Old habits die hard I suppose.’[/color][/i] the sniffer would mentally comment as he flinched at the streaming sunlight that greeted his cloaked body. Even thought it had been years since he had left the army, Morgan’s comfort was found in the outdoors. [i][color=fff200]’Besides, I doubt many would find comfort sleeping under the same roof as a vampire…’[/color][/i] With this thought, Morgan would find a darkened alley and a suitable elevated ledge not too far from the inn. There he would sleep until the time to travel came - no casual passerby would be able to see him, but without a doubt the trained eyes of Ixion and I’on would be able to spot him. A passing thought rose to Morgan’s consciousness as he resumed his nap, [i][color=fff200]’I’ll have to regain my strength after this.’[/color][/i] A faint gurgle of his stomach rippled through his abdomen, his mind’s eye drifting into blackness…