[center][color=a0d6b4]♠ [b]Maxwell • 3rd of Spades • The Peacekeepers[/b] ♠[/color] [sup][color=FF0E20][b]HP: 10/10[/b][/color] [color=a0d6b4]||[/color] [color=A625E7]SA: 10/10[/color] [color=a0d6b4]||[/color][color=gold] 29g [/color][color=a0d6b4]||[/color][color=FF8527] [b]0 / 1000 CP[/b][/color] *No Condition*[/sup] [h3]Prime District Entrance[color=a0d6b4]||[/color]Approaching the Stewards[color=a0d6b4]||[/color]Wary; Distracted[/h3][/center] The debacle between Alexander and Acron unfolded a bit differently than Maxwell had anticipated. First and foremost, another slightly taller individual intervened, apologizing on Acron's behalf. Much of the surrounding crowd began to disperse at this point, a few soft groans scattered about made by those that wanted to see a fight. Maxwell stood there, unsure if it was truly ending and he should begin relinquishing the stored magical energy for Overgrowth. [color=a0d6b4][i]I wonder if it's ok—[/i][/color] His thoughts cut short by a dapper young lad with an unnecessary cane darted over to Acron. Although Maxwell couldn't hear him, t'was quite clear that he whispered something and scrambled back off to the would have been sidelines. [color=a0d6b4][i]I wonder why that boy is involved with that rat.[/i][/color] From there, the dust settled. Acron (with a small hand from Jagred) helped Alexander up, gave him a once over, and left on his way. [color=a0d6b4][i]Okay, just let the magic go... no need to cast...[/i][/color] Maxwell released the necessary magic for Overgrowth, tiring him slightly and giving him a headache for good measure. [color=a0d6b4]"Perfect..."[/color] he muttered, the excess magic within him searching for a way to leave and return to a more natural state. [color=a0d6b4][i]I know better than to hold my spells if I'm not going to cast...[/i][/color] [color=a0d6b4]"Well, I guess it's time I get checked in."[/color] Maxwell barely noticed the thought leave his lips as he turned, making his way over to the stewards. [Hider=Inventory on his Person] Treasures: Inventory: Dagger, Writing Tools, 2 Empty Books, (N-)Compass, Cloak Thematic Items: Navy Blue Suit, Identification Papers, Suitcase, Letters, Peacekeeper Crest Handkerchief[/hider] [hider=Current Stats] Health: 10 (Base) Sanity: 10 (Base) Willpower: 10 Stamina: 10 Strength: 10 Dexterity: 12 Stealth: 15 Magic: 15 Vigilance: 12 Luck: 1 [/hider]