[center][b][h1]SALUTE TO THE FALLEN[/h1][/b][/center] [b][u]APRIL, 1910[/u][/b] [b]April 1st[/b] The Estalian Army requests that a dedicated branch of aviation be mandated to allot the development of military aviation. Several top naval aides however request the opposite, and a third set, mostly independent theorists with some army commanders believe military aviation should be an element all its own. [hider=The Question of Military Aviation] [b]Create the Estalian Army Aviation Department[/b] ([i]EAAD[/i]) [$2,150,000,000 in 1911]: A subordinate department attached to the Estalian Army, the EAAD would recruit from the army, train with the army and utilize design elements from the army. With a specialization in single engine bombers, we believe that an army supported from the sky would be unstoppable. [b]Create the Naval Aviation Training Academy[/b]: [$1,300,000,000 in 1911]: As one of the premier naval powers on the Continent, we can further ensure naval superiority by beginning the fundamental stages of naval aviation with the Naval Aviation Training Academy. [b]Create the Estalian Air Corps[/b] ([i]EAC[/i]): [$4,400,000,000 in 1911]: Independent from the Estalian Army and the Estalian Navy, the Estalian Air Corps would independently design and train from within and be autonomous under the Republic itself. [b]Do Nothing[/b]: While aviation is a promising endeavor, we simply cannot afford to pursue it at this time.[/hider] [b]April 2nd[/b] The [b]Foulois Accord[/b] continues, with Tyro-Antarian and Blutlandic delegates having made their speeches. The mood on the island is festive, and Tyro-Antarians live alongside the Estalian majority without fuss. The Kurzingas Islands possess a single wet dock capable of holding two capital ships and a harbor capable of holding a dozen screening vessels. [b]April 3rd[/b] Oscar Miklos is elected President of the [b]Kavonian Republic[/b] by an electoral college, defeating former President Janus Karlun by a margin of 832–36. Miklos is a former army general, though promises to be a free and fair minded president. [b]April 4th[/b] [b]Carlsburg Affair[/b]: A military court of inquiry begins over the convictions of 167 members of the Carlsburg 4th Regiment, on charges of complicity of the 1908 massacre of eighteen Jouran men outside Carlsburg on the Tyro-Jouran border. The commander alleged the men were found in Tyro-Antarian lands, stealing cattle and robbing homes. When confronted, they fled and select members of the 4th Regiment followed them across the border.. The incident, which was not properly reported draws attention from a Jouran Board of Inquiry in the Doucal Army, who believe the men of the 4th Regiment crossed the border for alternative reasons. [hider=The Jouran Board of Inquiry] [b]Allow Them to Perform their own Inquiry[/b]: The Jourans may perform their own investigation. Considering our own men implicitly crossed the border and killed over a dozen Jouran citizens, we find it fitting and fair to allow Jouran courts to perform an investigation as to the cause of the massacre and if necessary, what punishments might be necessary for those found guilty. [b]Their Assistance is Not Required[/b]: As should be the circumstance, a military matter of Tyro-Antarian soldiers will be investigated by fellow Tyro-Antarians, and if found guilty, punished by Tyro-Antarian laws. The Jourans, though we grieve for the needless loss of life in the 1908 massacre, are not needed here.[/hider] [b]April 5th[/b] Farmers and grazers of the Muyyad Caliphate, a subject of the Seljuk Empire, begin revolting. They number only three hundred and assemble in the the capital of Muyyad, Kazal. The Seljuk garrison there is only 81 men. These men, among them even adolescent boys, riot over the intense "fulfillment quotes" enacted on them by the Seljuk administration. [b]April 6th[/b] In the Serranthian city of Hakar in Blutlandic Serranthia, fourteen Blutlandic soldiers are found dead in the early hours of the morning. The soldiers who discover them are led by Captain Alfred Storch. The city of Hakar is Serranthia's largest port in the Blutlandic colony, home to nearly 170,000 people and manned by two divisions. It is properly called the [b]Hakar Killings[/b] in the local, Blutlandic newspaper. [b]April 7th[/b] News reaches Blutland of the [b]Hakar Killings[/b], even the monarchy--of which becomes a major dinner room talking point. [b]April 8th[/b] General of the Serranthian bound army Mathias Kieffer, numbering 100,000 strong, sends the following message to Blutlandic Chief of Army Wolfram Ducke. It would come to be known as the [b]Kieffer Telegram[/b]. [quote] [i]Chief of Army Wolfram Ducke, There is a certain muck within the air. The scorpions are as big as a man's fist, the mosquitoes are fearless. Since this terrible Hakar affair, the native Serranthians have grown restless. These men fear for their lives, and it is not without error. Furthermore, the infrastructure here is elementary at best. Only by ship from the mainland are the men kept entirely from starving. They sleep twenty to a room, not including the foul louse that has colonized their uniform. Little can be said of the locals, who begin to resist our commands of peacefulness in the settlements. They wander and chatter and spy and pry but even at gunpoint they have grown accustomed to defiance and disobedience. General Mathias Kieffer, Blutlandic 4th Army, Serranthia[/i] [/quote] [hider=Response to the Kieffer Telegram] [b]Order a Partial Mobilization of the 4th Army[/b]: It is apparent that something here is amiss. The soldiers need to be prepared for whatever the locals might be planning. If there is an uprising, they'll meet Blutlandic soldiers who will be prepared for a fight. [b]Order Unnecessary Elements of the 4th Army Returned to Blutland[/b]: Obviously the lack of infrastructure has caused chaos among our soldiers, as General Kieffer indicated. We must recall extraneous soldiers from abroad so that cleanliness and order can be maintained. [b]Do Nothing[/b]: For now, Kieffer has not provided thorough evidence that any of his observations are more than mere paranoia. We must remain vigilant, but understand that if we act too brashly there more be unexpected consequences.[/hider] [b]April 9th[/b] Two engineers, Hollum and Keffler of Vermögen gräbt in the [b][color=red]Kingdom of Blutland[/color][/b] finish the design of the [b]Hollum-Keffler Petrol[/b], a four cylinder engine capable of generating 28 horsepower. [hr] [u][b]FOULOIS ACCORDS[/b][/u] ([i]Update[/i]) -- Trade Rights: [Blutland +4] -- Claimant One: [0] -- Claimant Two: [0] -- Ownership: [0] -- Basing Rights: [Tyro-Antari +3] [b]Any Player Can Debate [Alfred von Kohlberg]'s discussion on [/b][u][b]Basing Rights[/b][/u] by Posting IC and using one of their cards as to [b]Argue[/b]. [PM the Moderator if you wish to Argue]. or [color=maroon][b]Republic of Zellonia's Turn[/b][/color]