[@Mistress Dizzy] Griffin flinched at Kassy's touch. He didnt like to be touched but he would allow it since doing so would allow them to see through the illusion. He growled low in his throat when he felt another presence in his mind. He moved to stand in front of the box that protected from the intruder. He would keep his brother safe no matter what the threat. He relaxed alittle when the illusion broke and he felt the girl ease out of their mind. [color=f7941d]"We thank you."[/color] ------------------- [@Caits] Katherin was relieved to see her friend. [color=bc8dbf]"This isn't good Phoebe. Whoever caused that illusion is strong. It can't be easy to cast an illusion that big. There are alot of very strong minds in this school."[/color] she had been hoping for a quiet year where she could concentrate on building her confidence. But it looked like that wouldn't be the case.