Goodness, this is certainly an interesting proposition you've put forth. However, before I confirm any possible attachment to this project, I'd like to make some important inquiries and suggestions regarding issues I have found with the nature of the advertised service. Even though you allude to some in your opening post, I would like to know about more tangible membership benefits. Your draw is posited on the premise that this society of yours will ensure mutual support between members. However, it does not appear that you provide things such as dental plans, health insurance, or, ironically, hazard pay. As a result, what you are offering is little more than a subjective mental/social phenomena as opposed to anything concrete. This brings me to my first issue: this service is not an exclusive one. Ergo, there is no visible incentive to join this group over, for example, joining an RP on site and interacting with like-minded people - a process which tends to provides more naturally-formed relationships, and also grants a degree of entertainment. As it stands, this organization of yours is little more than a facsimile of something organic, attempting to get something which it cannot. Your opening post targets the demographic of individuals who are, for various reasons, unable to develop a proper emotional support network. While you may get individuals who do not fit this descriptor, your premise does not strike a particularly vast demographic, which reduces your overall probability of acquiring support. Knowing this, my suggestion is to find a unique selling point–a legitimate service, a common ideal to strive towards, or whatever else bands many people together–and/or an alternative demographic to target, such as attempting to acquire youth in general as opposed to your current targets. This brings me to my suggestion of a unique method by which to attract the attention of a specific demographic. As a dedicated academic with certifications in multiple emerging fields[sup]1[/sup] relevant to the topic at hand, it is my understanding that you are perhaps most well-known on-site for your instrumental participation in an event that had occurred approximately twenty four days ago. I understand you may be confused regarding what event I am referring to, but trust me that leveraging the ramifications of such will ultimately benefit you more than you believe. In fact, I wrote a dissertation[sup]2[/sup] on this topic recently that you may wish to read and be enlightened. Don't worry. Despite my lack of forthcomingness about the subject of this content, don't disregard my words simply because I have not explained what it is that I am speaking of. I may not know what your reaction to these game-changing suggestions will be, but as long as you do the following, you can succeed: check the first letter of every paragraph. [sup][sup]1[/sup]PhD in Dankonomics, Harvard University; Masters in Memetics, Oxford University; Bachelors of Arts in Shitposting, University of Phoenix [sup]2[/sup][url=]Adolescent Acquisition: An Examination of the Socio-Political Impact of Kid Getting on the American Economy by Dr. Mayle Bachs[/url][/sup]