"An extreme reaction," Josephine said to the demon lord, cupping her chin in her hand. "Though the correct one, if the stories contain even the slightest truth." She wondered what it could have been. Poisoning of the ground water? Parasitic spores? A miasma released by the plants? Some invasive species that made these plants their home, carrying some unknown pathogen. Or perhaps a simple mutation of a diseases common in plant life? She would have to inquire about the details later. Maybe head out to the demons former home, try to find a sample, finally put one of the worlds greatest medical mysteries to rest. For now, she watched as others began to file in. She knew that this endeavor was important, but the size and make up was a surprise. Fortunately, someone voiced he thoughts for her. [quote=@LitCabbit] [color=39b54a]"Forgive me for the sudden question,"[/color] she half grin. [color=39b54a]"This group is.. Er- varied, I believe?"[/color] [/quote] "And large." She amended with a small smile. "It makes me curious how many of us are expected to return. Someone at court is going to make quite a lot of money when we all do."