Name: Louis(Pronounced Louie) Woodbury Age:17 Appearance:[img][/img] Ignore the tattoos, he's thinking about tattoos, but not the ones seen above [hider=Timetable]Timetable: 8:50am - 9:50am 1st period: Algebra IIII 9:50am - 10:50am 2nd period: Music Theory -Recess - 10:50am to 11:20am 11:20am - 12:20pm 3rd period: Therapy 12:20pm - 1:20pm 4th period: Marching Band -Lunch- 1:20pm - 2:00pm 2:00pm - 3:00pm 5th period: Choir The courts decided it's best for him to keep a steady schedule so his classes are the same day to day. [/hider] Biography: Lou wasn't born around here, while he doesn't talk about it he moved here from Florida to live with his dad two months ago because it was found that he was being emotionally, physically, and sexually abused by his mother. He has scars littering his back and thighs, both from himself and from his mother. Lou has some serious mental problems thanks to his mother; anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and he self harms because of body comfort issues. No one would guess it though, he's so out going and flamboyant that you'd think he's totally "normal". It's his cooping method according to his therapist he sees everyday as his last class. When he lived in Florida his mother expected so highly of him that he took all core classes freshman and sophomore year, he wasn't allowed a band or choir class or anything like it. He's ahead of his classes, he failed one year of math and that cost him is finger nails, that he could technically graduate at the end of this year, but he wants to be as "normal" as possible. Lou hated everything about his life, but still loved his mother. Why wouldn't he? She [i]is[/i] his mother after all, right? He made things a little worse for himself because he would sneak out to a friend's house who's dad is a music producer and would learn all sorts of instruments as a slight relief of everything. He would sneak back home and his mother would beat him and send him to bed, but he always made sure to say thank you to her as he bolted up the stairs. Lou's therapist is trying to help him with everything and help him realize he's perfect the way he is and what happened to him isn't normal nor his fault at all. So far that isn't working if he even shows up to his appointment. Lou has a bit of a problem talking about what happened so he'd ditch therapy and write music in the park, so they decided it was best the therapist came to school before his band or choir class so he won't be tempted to cut. Personality: Lou is super out going and the life of the party during the day, but get him home and he locks himself in his room and doesn't come out until school the next day. He can be a bit sassy and a bit of a smart ass, but it's just part of his charm.((I'm sorry, I'm awful at writing flat out what someone's personality is)) Hobbies: Music, music, music. Oh, did I tell you he loves music? It quite literally has saved his life more than once. He can play most percussion instruments, guitar, bass guitar, sax, trombone, trumpet, and his absolute favorite is the piano or the ukulele that he carries on his shoulder everywhre. He has journals filled with songs and the odd loose piece of paper here. He's never seen without a pen and spiral notebook to jot down music when it comes to mind. How is that?