[color=f26522][h3][center]~Shina~[/center][/h3][/color] [@VitaVitaAR] As she waited on a more...in detail answer from the woman, Shina turned her head to the house. It seemed like things were going...very slowly? Whatever it was, it seemed the others with her hadn't done anything relating to the mission at all. That was fine, really. She wasn't really all for this little get together anyways. What she wasn't fine with, was the fact she said she'd do this, and it wasn't getting done. Which meant she was gonna have to get off her ass and do this herself. Goddamn it. Unless she was fighting something she wasn't entirely sure she was capable of doing this. [color=f26522]"You,"[/color] She said to Akio. [color=f26522]"Don't get into any trouble."[/color] There was a vaguely hostile unspoken 'or else' left there. Not that the kid would have much choice in the matter if he did, but she could at least encourage him to not do anything stupid while she took care of this. Sighing, the Oni walked over to the kid. [color=f26522]"Yeah that's us. Nice to meet ya kiddo."[/color] Shina replied with a grunt. [color=f26522]"Himeko-chan is your cat, huh? Where'd you last see her?"[/color]