Okay you MRAs, time for a lil devil's advocate...... I agree that the idea that we as men have to be told not to rape is patronising and insulting. But I can understand the sentiment in context. There are some men, (not me, and probably not you guys) who have been told by there fathers, brothers or friends things like. If she's absolutely blind drunk, its fine for you to fuck her as long as you are drunk too. Or If shes your girlfriend its okay to initiate sex while she's asleep. Or the worst one is, when women say no, what they really mean is yes, they are just playing games. Now even though I am intelligent enough to determine how dodgy all this is, I've definately heard other men say this to me and each other. Now I'm going to assume that we wouldn't ever carry out behaviour like this, but there are impressionable, maybe younger men who might listen to this things and act it out, thinking it was acceptable. Teaching men not to rape, doesn't mean telling a bunch of college bros not to jump out of the bushes and snatch a girl out of the park. It clarifying to the new generation exactly where consent begins and ends and that some of these 'old bros tales' simply cannot apply anymore. So yeah, you can all transform into [@Weird Tales] now and call me an ESS JAY DUBYU feminist mangina Cuck now. But If I had a son, I'd probably be teaching him the above too.