[quote=@Buddha] [@Dynamo Frokane] If you want to play devils' advocate you should take a look at rape laws across the world. There's a lot of countries where a man legally simply cannot be raped. [/quote] Thats nice, not sure what that has to do with my argument about consent.... [quote=@Buddha] Second off, calling me/others MRA's right off the bat is kind of stupid too. Not that I'm not used to that from you by now. [/quote] Oh so you aren't an MRA? You don't advocate for men's rights? Because I do. I must've been mistaken about you. [quote=@Buddha] It's important to realize too that the world doesn't revolve around America. Where I live, we have clearly established boundaries. Children in school (primary school, age 10-12) are taught about sex, drugs, rape etc. Just because the USA sucks at everything doesn't mean the rest of the world has to. [/quote] 1. I'm not american, I'm not sure what USA has to do with my post. 2. I learned about sex education in school when I was about 10 too, so this isn't an argument, moving on.... [quote=@Buddha] And actually, teaching college kids not to snatch a woman is exactly what's happening. [url=https://www.google.nl/search?q=consent+classes&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gfe_rd=cr&ei=427WV8nhFYrAaI_-l6AE]Here we are[/url] [/quote] So I see a google search with a few articles talking about consent classes. I think we both agree that consent is important. I can say that if any school is saying "Dont snatch a woman from the bushes" then they are stupid. If you could provide me a source of a direct quote where any school, american or otherwise has said that, then I will call them stupid too. If not there isn't really an arguement.