[quote=@Buddha] [@Dinh AaronMk] Your quote on the Dutch law is correct but interpreted wrongly. [/quote] Well I got it from the Wiki page because I ain't spending five hours of an already ending evening/morning. So I'll concede to that. Whoever put it up there goofed. [quote] I've also learned that many American schools don't offer sexual education. Maybe that's a start. [/quote] Well I can't speak for this because my schools did sex education. A couple times actually, once in middle-school and again in high-school, and I assume again if I went into some sort of relevant medicine or law degree in college/university; but I'm not going in that direction so I won't be sitting through that. If I were to place my bets though, I would hypothesize it's the Deep South. If any party is up to doing some work it'd be interesting to find and examine these environments and to correlate them to rape statistics to see if there's any trends in that case. But I don't have that sort of time or energy.