[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Thats nice, not sure what that has to do with my argument about consent.... [/QUOTE] Nothing, it has to do with you proclaiming 'playing devils advocate' as you can clearly read. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Oh so you aren't an MRA? You don't advocate for men's rights? Because I do. I must've been mistaken about you. [/quote] No, I'm not an MRA, in the same way I'm not a feminist. I advocate rights for both sides to equalize the law rather than focus on either of the two groups exclusively. Men are severely debilitated in many areas of legality such as divorce laws, childrens visitation rights, alimony, abortion, as well as being severely over-represented in many negative statistics such as combat deaths, work accidents, suicide statistics. There's also a worrying trend of men not receiving the care they need when they struggle with mental illness, men not being taken seriously when they are reporting rape/sexual abuse, or abuse within marital situations. But no, I'd rather not associate myself with MRA's, even if my ideas sound like theirs sometimes. I like to think it's possible to work on both the issues of females and males without having to go through the trouble of adding a label to myself. It's easier to present myself without having to worry about the thoughts of some MRA group/feminism group and what they think about what I want to say. I say what I want to say, and if that happens to align with what an MRA group thinks then great, otherwise, I don't care. Also, most MRA's are really cringy. 'MGTOW' groups are kinda aids too. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] 1. I'm not american, I'm not sure what USA has to do with my post. 2. I learned about sex education in school when I was about 10 too, so this isn't an argument, moving on.... [/quote] 1. It has to do with your post that when we talk about rape, we have an American-centric view. Most cases that we can talk about happen in the US, other 'rape stories' don't make it big internationally and so it shapes our perception of rape even if this isn't necessarily the case elsewhere. 2. Good, and as you can see, you're a healthy individual who knows not to rape women. ;) Maybe there's a link. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane]So I see a google search with a few articles talking about consent classes. I think we both agree that consent is important. I can say that if any school is saying "Dont snatch a woman from the bushes" then they are stupid. If you could provide me a source of a direct quote where any school, american or otherwise has said that, then I will call them stupid too. If not there isn't really an arguement.[/quote] If you genuinely think consent classes are about consent then .. well, it's pretty clear they're just meant for some teacher to wag their finger at males and go 'damn rapists'. That has been my experience anyway. Maybe if the consent class was held by some rational person, but as we know people who study gender studies aren't really rational people most of the time. [quote=http://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/sexual-consent-classes-neo-puritan-preaching-won-t-stop-rape-1.2514519]Introducing mandatory lessons on the correct way for students to have sex, whatever their gender, is also a gross overstepping of individual boundaries on the part of the university authorities. The people arriving in halls may be young, many of them fresh out of school, but they are nonetheless autonomous adults, responsible for their own choices in life and answerable for the consequences of their actions.[/quote] I am in college to learn a trade and obtain information, not for school to mandatorily tell me how to have sex, how to get consent and how to forge a relationship with someone. As I've said before; I am not against consent classes, I am against the fact that they are mandatory and that they brand all men as [i]potential[/i] rapists and all women as [i]potential[/i] victims. Honestly, I'm quite sure that a college telling students how to have sex is not even within their educational scope. Focus on teaching kids what they need to learn. Sexual education is for highschool or primary school. [quote=http://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/sexual-consent-classes-neo-puritan-preaching-won-t-stop-rape-1.2514519]The prevalence of sexual assaults on campus – and elsewhere – will not be remedied by this neo-puritan preaching to students. As well as being inappropriate, it is simply too late by then. The time for teaching and exploring the nature of consent is when people really are children. The absence of thorough, open and honest sex education in schools may be one of the real reasons that Irish universities are struggling to deal with an excess of lairy behaviour now. [/quote] Moving on from that; even if you are correct, even if consent classes were classes about consent - [i]there's zero evidence they work.[/i] There's not been a single rape prevented by these classes, I am sure of that. But we can't prove a negative so it's rather hard for me to back up that claim.