[quote=@Dinh AaronMk] Counting high-population centers and listing them as just simply how much rapes happen there will be a given since there's so many more people compared to the rural south. You would really need to do this by per-capita but even then it may be hard to discern if education or the lack there-of is really the problem since cities will naturally have higher per-capita for everything due to the richness of targets in high-population environments. But, whatever. In semi-related open thinking, I'm going to point out that the legal existence of rape in Japan is relatively new compared to the rest of the world. But in the rape stats page I was using on Wikipedia Japan is omitted and is only evoked twice as a comparison to Australia (1.2 per 100,000 reported cases in Japan versus Australia's 28.6 per 100,000) and in a large table of general rape stats. My only source on the "recent" introduction of rape law in Japan and the concept of its "culture" comes from all places a novel: Death by Water by Kenziboru Oe. As a general over-view one of the major plots after the advertised plot basically takes a shit and dies some five chapters in is one of the character's experiences with having been raped when she was seventeen and being forced to get an abortion because of it. That in hand in mind I can be very, very cheeky and suggest the anime-watching, manga-reading alt-right MRA crowd adopts their attitudes of rape ("Rapu", as it's creatively called in Japan) directly from a culture that has a bit of catching up to come to grips with what the fuck a modern western rape is. But that's something I should keep on hand if I feel like shitposting on /pol/ or something. [/quote] Hm, well, yes. Naturally it's gonna happen more in more densely populated areas. I don't really have stats to back anything up in that department, so like I said, I was gonna go on a limb. Even per capita it'd be widely inaccurate because rape is context based and needs nuance, it needs facts on what happened and it's up to the beholder to decide whether they think it's rape. If two adults get drunk together and have (at that time, consensual but drunk) sex and the woman then claims it was rape that's not rape in my eyes if the man wasn't feeding her drinks to get her drunk for the sole purpose of having sex with her. That's just two people getting drunk and an accident happening. I'm glad I don't read manga though, and that I'm not alt-right. I don't think we even have an alt-right here...