[color=lemonchiffon][h3][center]~~~Lainie~~~[/center][/h3][/color] [@FallenTrinity] Lainie's head felt heavy as she raised it and took in the charred training ground, a sinking feeling in her stomach. She'd just done that... No, it hadn't been her, but it had still been her fault. She tried to stand up, but slumped to the ground again, legs trembling, lacking the strength to support even her slight weight. She hadn't meant to use than much magic at once. Her arm still hurt, blisters forming on the reddened skin. Flexing her hand, she winced. She'd have to get that seen too. In any case, she'd have another scar. She cringed as Sulleykaar chided her for apologising. [color=lemonchiffon]"Y-Yes... I understand, I'm sor-"[/color] She stopped herself mid-sentence, looking from him to the scorched ground. Now it was his turn to demonstrate, and she watched as her surroundings went up in flame once again. It was a different kind of flame, though, burning brightly but steadily. Such skill, and such control. It seemed to take him no effort to dismiss the fire, unlike her first few attempts. Could she really reach anything close to that level? At his words, she shrank back, shoulders hunched. [color=lemonchiffon]"That... That isn't me,"[/color] she explained. [color=lemonchiffon]"That wasn't me just then. I don't want to be that person."[/color] She longed to be more confident, but not like that. [color=lemonchiffon]"I want to control my element, but... I don't want to let it take over."[/color] She glanced down again, hoping she hadn't spoken out of line. She considered his question for a few moments before giving the only reply she could. [color=lemonchiffon]"I-I don't know..."[/color]