[quote=@User] [@FortunesFaded][@DeepestApology][@Kaiachi][@BurningCold]Just like to make some notes about space and gravity. If you were born on a space station your not gonna look like sopme who was born on earth. You will be taller, more strched out given that there is less gravity on your station. Much the same as how Mars has more gravity so the people would be smaller than a Earth born person. This also goes for movingh from 0 g (Or a ship at stationary) to a area of gravity is not like stepping off a run way, you will feel side effects like tiredness or fatige. There is more, but I cant think atm [/quote] Well, in my case being born on a station is just a tecnicality. Most of the pregancy happened on Earth, and after being delivered, Alex was taken to Vinci by his father while his mother continued her stay on the station. On the same note though, is special relativity a thing here? Because, if I am not mistaken, by now my character's younger brother should be the same age as him, given all the years Alex spent in space :I