Just thought I'd drop this here. It's my old CS if you guys wanna see it before you decide whether or not I can use it. From what I've seen, I don't think anyone has her powers. [center][hider=Penelope "Penny" Copper] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b0/92/77/b09277e89b5540c15579065c89124f6f.jpg[/img] [color=Chocolate][h3][b]Penelope "Penny" Copper | 16 ("And 3/4's!")| Female[/b][/h3][/color] [u][b][color=Chocolate]Appearance:[/color][/b][/u] Penny stands at 5'1, and weighs a whopping 110 pound. Needless to say, she's thin. Her skin is rather pale, due to being half-Irish and half-German. She has soft, red hair that reaches near her elbows. She has a thin face with a slightly rounded chin. She has a few freckles on her cheeks. Her eyes are electric blue, but she is almost always seen wearing [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31mogF-JyuL._AC_UL160_SR160,160_.jpg]dark, red-tinted sunglasses that help her see better. [/url] [hr] [u][b][color=Chocolate]Powers:[/color][/b][/u] [b]Superhumans Senses:[/b] - Penny can see, hear, smell, and taste far beyond what other humans can imagine. Her ears are stronger than a bat's, nose stronger than a basset hound, eyes stronger than an eagle, and taste stronger than[url=http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/nicholas-cage-you-dont-say.gif] ... something that tastes really well...[/url] [u][b][color=Chocolate]Weaknesses/Limitations:[/color][/b][/u] - Hearing: Penny can hear, in extreme focus, up to 80 KHz (80,000 Hertz - In comparison to a bat's 78,000 Hertz), but she regularly functions at about 30 KHz (30,000 Hertz - Humans are limited to 20,000 Hertz). Due to this sensitivity, Penny can be overloaded by enough Hertz hitting her eardrums. - Sight: Penny's eyes have what could be referred to as a "zoom feature." She can focus her vision to magnify things far away into what would feel to a normal human as 20/20 vision. The limit to which she can "zoom" is almost a mile and a half. Her eyes also perceive light and color far more vividly than humans. Due to this fact, she constantly wears red-tinted sunglasses that absorb much of the light. Her vision can be overstimulated and she can be dazed if a large amount of light is shone on her. - Smell: While the sense of smell has no measurable unit, Penny's smell can be explained by comparison. A basset hound can pick up someone's scent, even if it is days old. She can single out a certain smell amongst an array of scents, and she can track it for days at a time. When she memorizes a certain smells, it becomes engraved into her brain until she makes an effort to release it. While the overload of smells is non-existent, foul smells make Penny vomit much faster than humans. - Taste: Similar to the sense of smell, taste has no unit of measurement. However, to put it into perspective, the human tongue has around 10,000 tastebuds. Penny has almost 20,000. If a human were to eat a square of chocolate, their brain would emit a spray of a chemical called dopamine, which gives you a natural high. Penny, however, experiences a double-amount of dopamine when she tastes something good. Likewise her gag reflex is far more susceptible to bad tasting things. [hr] [u][b][color=Chocolate]Personality:[/color][/b][/u] Penny is very understand and empathetic, and therefore takes things with a large amount of patience. Since she can hear people's heartbeats and breathing patterns, she can tell when someone is frustrated, shy, scared, etch. Due to this, she doesn't easily get offended by others. Her patience however, is limited to how much she trusts a person. She can often be very skeptic, since her ears are a built in lie detector. In her elementary and middle school years, she was bullied, so she has a soft spot for anyone being taken advantage of. Since she has become a confident person, she often stands up for people that are in need. Due to her advanced senses, she has a superhuman case of ADHD, so she is often a little bit hyper, however she can understand when the time comes to settle down. [u][b][color=Chocolate]Backstory:[/color][/b][/u] Penny grew up in Western Europe, the twelfth daughter of James (an Irish business man) and Anna (a German accountant) Copper, who thought it would be funny to name her based off of the metal copper (which pennies are made from). As the youngest of eleven children, Penelope early learned that siblings were horrible creatures. She learned quickly to label her things and claim what she wanted, less it be stolen by one of her significantly larger brothers. While her father stood at 6'5, and most of her brothers near him, she and her only sister both stood on the lower end with their mother, and received a plethora of short jokes and dwarf comments. Her ninth brother, a particularly snotty little brat named Ben, often teased her by calling her a genetic malfunction (jokingly of course, since they had no prior knowledge of her malfunction). Despite the rivalries between a dozen siblings, Penny understands the bond of family better than most people ever will. This lead to much protest (verbal, and physical) from some of her older, larger-than-most brothers, when she was taken away to TEF-149. Growing up, Penny had always wanted to be a police officer and help people, just like her oldest brother did. When she was taken because of her malfunction, she came to the realization that she would be forced into the role, but it wouldn't be the job she wanted. Penny has a deep-seated hatred for the government, but understands why civilians fear them. She hates the government for using such untrue propaganda against Mals, leading the public to fear and despise them. [hr] [u][b][color=Chocolate]Talents/Skills:[/color][/b][/u] - Penny started playing guitar when she was 5, and she had become an exceptional player by 15. Her sister and brothers all play instruments as well, and they almost started a family band. - She grew up doing gymnastics and acrobatics, so she is very flexible and athletic. Due to her hypersensitivity, she is super-aware of her surrounding, giving her literally superhuman reflexes. (Think of Daredevil, but better, though highly more susceptible to overloading.) [u][b][color=Chocolate]Quirks/Habits/Other:[/color][/b][/u] - Penny, despite being thin, loves food, since the taste is twice as pleasurable to her. - Due to her ADHD, she is mildly sporadic and tends to be very fun to be around. - Penelope hates Cats. They poop everywhere and smell awful. End of Story. [u][b][color=Chocolate]TL/DR:[/color][/b][/u] Penelope is a 16(and 3/4's) year old from a family of twelve children. Her malfunction enables her with unimaginably strong senses. She is fun, sporadic, and very kind, though she tends to be skeptic of people at first glance. [/hider][/center]