“I see, I will keep alert.” She replied with a smile, finishing up to serve her customers and started to put her merchandise back into their boxes and finally in her backpack. She had the feeling the young swordsman underestimated her just now. Granted she didn’t really look like a fighter and that was part of the point in how she dressed and acted. Usually many would reconsider trying to cause her trouble just by the mere presence of her rather peculiar blue sword. She then focused her eyes on the other girl that offered her services. She appeared rather… hmmm… clean in fact about as clean as An Xing was if not actually even more! Not the usual get up for a scout that one. Still the air about the way the girl’s body moved did show some traces of skill or experience at least. Well or so An Xing thought at least. ‘Not my business really~’ An Xing finally concluded in her mind with a nod to herself and a smile. She reached to her sword only to pull it an inch before putting it back into the scabbard to hear the sounds it made. A clear though quiet metal ringing sound reached her ears and she smiled happy with it. It’s been a while since she had the chance to give it proper maintenance, not that she really needed to do it often as her abilities made sure her blade was always in perfect condition when she used it. Still it was nice to do it manually every now and then, maybe after this hunt was over.