[i]Well[/i], Levy thought as she sat on the car’s passenger seat yet again after the tour with Chicago’s guild, [i]that could’ve been faster[/i]. And, it really could. There was so much introduction from the other Supers and mutants that it wasn’t even funny anymore. All the names and faces were all jumbled into one pile labeled ‘Do not Care’. The genuine politeness she exuded earlier became a mask that soon crumbled as people approached her. Thankfully, Levy didn’t make quite a mess such as throwing curses at people without any of them knowing. It happened at times when her patience was at its thinnest and it promptly snapped. The calm that her ghost-friend exuded was a godsend, really. Keeps her in check when her temper’s high. It was disappointing, though, that her supposed friend, Kain, wasn’t there to meet with her. Perhaps he was just all talk, after all. [i]Or a dead body.[/i] He [i]did[/i] request for her help for some reason that made him talk to her. As the driver’s side door opened and Amelia got in, she revved the engine, the two of them heading towards the site where the video was uploaded. Levy was hoping that nothing will happen so she could rest and deal with the Pyro thing tomorrow.