[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/faa4d8821f3c52e17880308adb01ce28/tumblr_inline_nm9ghqokap1rrrkde.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Med Bay[/center][hr][hr]Dorothy smiled slightly as Jackson left the Med Bay, hearing the sounds of pain from the boy outside. Even if the Captain survived, she likely would've suggested it anyways. The others had to pay with their lives for harming Anisa. Was it a bit sadistic and harsh? Possibly. Dorothy glanced away from the blood test, before using the vasopresser that Atticus fetched for her. Before she could even set it up, however, bile and blood spewed from Anisa's mouth. Dorothy knew that she likely only had seconds at that point, none of the antidotes were there. Barely registering the words of the kid, about how the vial was an antidote, Dorothy opened it up and poured it into Anisa's mouth, stroking Anisa's throat in order to force the Captain to swallow. With baited breath, Dorothy set up an oxygen mask, prepared to help Anisa with breathing. With the gagging and the activated charcoal tube, Dorothy carefully removed the tube, hoping that it would help the Captain some. She had given Anisa all of the antidote contained in that vial. None of her treatments seemed to be working. If the antidote didn't work, then Anisa would die. [color=4dffa6]"Anisa, love, blink if you can hear me,"[/color] Dorothy instructed, shining a light in Anisa's eyes to attempt to detect signs of life. She gently patted Anisa's clenched hand, waiting for the bile to stop coming up before hooking Anisa up to the oxygen. Dorothy didn't let herself feel the panic and stress of her best friend dying in front of her. It wouldn't help Anisa at all for her to freak out. [color=4dffa6]"Anisa, any movement you can make,"[/color] Dorothy added, waiting for any change in Anisa's condition.