The very first thing Harvey noticed once through the portal was that he was surrounded by short, stout men with enormous fungal caps replacing everything above their eyebrows, and all of them were pointing spears at him. Compared to the last two times he'd entered a suspicious doorway, this was a drastic improvement. At the very least, these disgusting semi-humans were only [i]threatening[/i] him, and not actively attacking him. He could work with this. The second thing Harvey noticed was that that nasty orange wrestler had decided to follow him. This was... also workable. These mushroom-covered toadies were focusing almost exclusively on Jasper, and very clearly treated him with more suspicion. Getting out of this situation alive wouldn't take much effort, let alone any outright lies. Harvey could afford to scrape by on half-truths and omissions. [color=turquoise]"Don't kill me, I'm a lawyer!"[/color] Harvey cried, throwing his hands up. [color=turquoise]"That crazed orange [i]thug[/i] is trying to kill me, and I escaped through this door! You gotta stop him!"[/color] The feeling of someone being [i]right behind him[/i] struck Harvey like a sack of bricks; someone else was coming through! Harvey made a break for a gap in the Toads' lines just as Ainz and Kieri burst through the doorway. Judging by the way the Toads faltered, they were a seriously weak gang. Weaker than the Schoolboy Shufflers, possibly. With as much strength as he could muster, Harvey sprinted away from the doorway and through the town square. He had seen something that looked vaguely like a body of water-- a river or a lake, possibly a reservoir--down by that large, castle-like building. If Harvey could reach [i]that[/i], he'd be golden!