Mia surveyed the other... trainers, once Professor Apple confirmed their role. The boys all seemed withdrawn, and the other girl seemed rather a klutz. What were they going to do as trainers? Real trainers practically [i]bled[/i] confidence from their veins, not tears and muttered words and scraped knees! Well, maybe the last one. But only from high-intensity training, not from walking up some steps! Once this project was over, she couldn't see any of them striking off on their own to challenge the pokemon league or challenging gyms. Heck, she wasn't even sure what they'd do the first time a [i]real[/i] trainer challenged them! Mia would probably have to step up. Whatever, she was good at that. Professor Apple then went into a speech, one Mia would begrudgingly admit was pretty alright. She hadn't actually read the professor's Unovan work - though she had read reports on her work with Sycamore. It was interesting, to say the least, and had played a small part in her decision to accept Apple's offer. The introductions went... a tad more interestingly. Mia had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. They were getting a chaperone. Really? There were 10-year-olds who went out with a flipping Caterpie and left to their own devices. She was 13! But at least Lynda looked kinda cool. She wouldn't mind getting a jacket like that. The other assistant - Mia paused as he introduced himself. B? Really? [i]Really?[/i] Even knowing it was a nickname didn't help much - pretty lame nickname. She looked him over. Maybe Patch instead? Then back to Apple, revealing the pokeballs. Mia studied them - maybe some gnaw marks, a scratch, some hint as to the resident they held within. She wanted to get the best pokemon possible, something fierce and strong. The hesitation cost her. Already, Lynda and two of the others had grabbed pokeballs. The Ralts was no big loss but - an Axew? A Totodile? Heck no! She grabbed one of the remaining two and let out the pokemon, hoping for the best. The light condensed, first into an orb-like shape before sprouting a few features: a pair of legs and a tail. When the light faded, a Poliwag stood there. His gaze was focused on some faraway point, and his mouth seemed stuck in a perpetual tiny smile as he wagged his tail slightly. Mia stared and then groaned. Of course. This was what she got for waiting. She looked over at Professor Apple. "Hey, I think th-" She was cut off by a raspberry. She looked back down to the Poliwag, who looked up innocently at her. "Please tell me I can sw-" And another raspberry cutting her off. She glowered at the Poliwag, whose expression hadn't changed in the slightest before looking up in exasperation. "Does anyone want to tr-" And there went the longest raspberry yet to end her question before it could even be asked. And then the Poliwag resumed his slightly-dopey smile. "Arceus help me."