[center][b][i]Haruhi Suzumori[/i][/b][/center] [i]I wonder what the rest of the world looks like...if it is as beautiful as I imagine it.[/i] Haruhi often wondered about what it would be like to travel around the world, see and meet new people, try new foods and learn so many new things. Staying here in the Hidden Mist Village was not really a good way to expirence all that, but maybe she'd get the chance now. She was a Genin after all. And this was just the begenning. Her time at the Academy was a long and difficult one, she had been tested in many ways and after it all, she finally found herself getting this chance of a lifetime. Now she was to be assigned to a Jounin who would show her the "real world." After all, the Academy was "book world" right? Nothing like the struggles of real life as a shinobi. It was the day after graduation, she had gotten a note from her soon-to-be-sensei earlier that read: [i]Meeting at the training field, number 4. A simple grassfield. Don't be late. Let's do this.[/i] So, after bidding her worried mother goodbye, she set off to training field number four. As she walked, her sandals made quiet taps on the ground. She patted her left leg to make sure her pouch that held her kunai and shuriken was in its place, lifted up her loose black jacket to pat the pouch on her bum that held her whip, making sure that was there too. She looked down at her tight black capris, making sure they were clean and presentable. [i]Why didn't I have a look at myself in the mirror before I left?[/i] She wondered if she was even wearing the right clothes. Wearing all black, what if her sensei mistook her for some kind of depressed freak? She was told she looked like that at times....she did NOT want to carry that out of the Academy with her. With a sigh she rubbed her arms, feeling colder than usual. As she reached the training field she looked around, no one was there yet. Haruhi slowly began to pace back and forth, bringing her finger to her lip like she does when she's lost in thought. She wanted to know what her sensei was going to be like. Was it a man or a woman? Was it a frail, womanly man or a overly buffed out manly woman? What kinds of things would he or she teach her? Was he or she nice, caring, understanding or cruel and decietful? What if they thought Haruhi was too fragile or too weak? What if they tested her and she messed up and had to go back to the academy? ........ [i]Is my sensei even going to like me?[/i]