[hider=Post 3: The Assembly] [center][sup][color=FF0E20][b]HP: C/M[/b][/color] [color=17758D]||[/color] [color=A625E7]SA: C/M[/color] [color=17758D]||[/color][color=gold] GP [/color][color=brown]||[/color][color=brown] [b]0 / 1000 CP[/b][/color] * Healthy *[/sup] [h3]Prime District[color=darkred]||[/color] Meeting his work station [color=darkred]||[/color] [/h3][/center] Balith pursed his lips in a smile at her, if his grin didn't deliver the emotion than the eyes that were weighing between the two glints of general satisfaction and flirtatious slivered out of his eyes into his cheeks. A precarious pose of personality that broken when the girl nested something in his pocket. He looked down at his own trousers before peeking up at her again, seeing only a figure being chasing time around a corner. A raise of his arm reacted in a swift crafted chop. Waving his papers in the air like an angry stock broker although his face was consumed by pace, not by panic. He took a breath to speak but let it hang instead. Curling one of his eyebrows as he lowered his arms and straightened his back. His puzzled thoughts were visibly evident but duty recollected him. When he did look up, the man was approaching from the unknown of the spire halls. He took a moment to flicker his eyes up and down at him, blinking as his brain search the stamp book of people and looks for clues. His stock smile stiffened and staled at his family name. [color=chocolate][i]"Yes, sir"[/i][/color] He whipped out the confirmation at him. Nodding quickly. He cheeks carried a smile that his eyes lost, but regained from the stock of a promised good day as he carried on. He stayed silently as the other worker atomized together before him, shuffling a step back with his spine arched in surprise at having a person come into existence with the ease of a novelty item before slowly regaining confidence at what was before. Papers, lots of papers. His stance solidified with the tenderness of good posture, siphoning document in droves to his already presented pile. Even if he was unaware of magic, he knew how this worked just fine. Balith marched in the trail of Felix before his new employee as soon as he grabbed the papers. Prodding the floor in a quick pace, not slowing down even as the man behind him started to stutter out frequencies of mixed emotions and words. His lips curled inwards and his cheeks puffed out at his words, starting to slow down a little so he won't leave more than 2 feet ahead of him as he replied. [color=chocolate][i]"He seems to give clear direction to me. You must be good with that"[/i][/color] he stopped, looking at his own shoulder without turning his head as they walked. [color=chocolate]"[i]Direction I mean. He doesn't act like a man that has to keep things slow due to his staff"[/i][/color] he now looked only forward at Felix. Not speaking anymore than that when the sound became muted. Only nodding when this mystery was explained. He did turn to look at Mervin this time as he was mentioned, giving a much slower nod to him and a quick smile [color=chocolate][i]"I'm sure he will prove to be so"[/i][/color] he marked with a general note of good will, his eyes keeping on him before turning back again at Felix. Only letting off a quick bow before his superior [color=chocolate][i]"I understand. I will intend to keep things orderly. On all fronts"[/i][/color] he went to to the door, placing his documents in his brief case before reaching out and starting to open it. Stopping and nodding at Felix [color=chocolate][i] "Including my own"[/i][/color] [Hider=Inventory] Treasures: Inventory: Pink Liquid Capsule. Thematic Items: Identification. A suitcase with 233 different types of stamps in historical order. A single lemon marble sweet that he forgot to take out of his case. [/hider] [hider=Current Stats] Health: 10 Sanity: 30 Willpower: 20 Stamina: 10 Strength: 10 Dexterity: 10 Stealth: 10 Magic: 10 Vigilence: 10 Luck: 0 [/hider] [/hider] [Tags: [@mae] ]