[center][h1] [color=fff200]Shiver[/color] [/h1][/center] [center][hider=Shiver][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/beautiful-deviantart-digital-art-fantasy-Favim.com-2430829_zps3sxmhh0h.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Wicked sent Andi and CC out on a mission to watch the docks. There was supposed to be some big shipment of drugs coming in. Little did they know there were also explosives involved. Andi chased a blaster meta into the ship's hull and CC followed and suddenly a very large explosion was heard. She ship exploded and as soon as it did the HQ alarms went off and Shiver grabbed William's hand and teleported to the docks. [color=fff200]"What the fuck happened?"[/color] Reading her comlink and her link to her mother Shiver reported [color=fff200]"Andi and CC are dead, there are pieces of them and the ship falling out of the sky.Turn off the ALL CALL."[/color] Shiver stayed behind and helped with the cleanup and damages to the area. Pissed off Shiver threw a rock at the sinking ship. Shiver picked up the hat Andi had been wearing as a goof on CC. It was charred with blood on it. Shiver tossed it into the debris pile and sat down for a minute. She looked up at William and said, [color=fff200]"And then there are moments like this in this line of work."[/color] [@ashevelendar]