[center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/death-star.regular_zpsuxsr3anq.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Vader_zpsrglvsq9b.png[/img] [hr] [@DeathXtheXTree][@BringBack1996][@Scrapula] [hr][/center] Harvey responds with little clue as a sudden portal opens up near the man in the goggles, the fish suddenly propelling himself towards it with water coming from his mouth. As Vader prepares to grab the fleeing fish with the force, he then hears a conversation coming from Ainz and the girl that stumbled into him. The skeleton man seemed to have recognized a choke collar on her neck and managed to free her, in return for knowing where they are. Of course, with the portal having been opened, there seemed to be no other way to go then there. In fact, it was suddenly coming to the sith's realization that this was not his world. And even if it was, without a ship, he's not able to go anywhere, even being a rather skilled mechanic from the days he was a jedi... the days when he was Anakin Skywalker. A sudden vision came to his mind as he recalled his life from the days on Tatooine with his mother, becoming a jedi, the marriage of his wife Padme, the Clone Wars, losing against Kenobi, and his rebirth as Darth Vader. This all happened in a matter of seconds as he suddenly comes back to reality. Wherever this portal will lead him, it may eventually take him back to the Empire... no matter how long it will take. With Ainz and the girl walking to the portal, Lord Vader simply followed this time. He then steps into the portal and goes inside, expecting something quite bizarre to be on the otherside... [hr] And indeed, after he steps outside, he is landed in the middle of a town. A town filled with giant Mushroom-houses and Mushroom people with spears. It seemed as if they were in the middle of an ambush or so. The mushroom soldiers were absolutely tiny compared to him, weak and brittle. He can easily kill them. He then ignites his crimson lightsaber, igniting with it's signature hum as he prepares to slice them into pieces...