[@LuckyBlackCat] [center][h1][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/Sulleykaar%20-%201.png[/img][/h1][/center] [hr] He simply rolled his eyes to her excuse, not caring for the fact that the moment she felt the slightest tinge of doubt she had lost control and then dared to give an excuse. He sighed and after asking her his question she simply said she did not know. He smirked slightly as he glanced over to her from his laid back position, flattening his feet on the ground before crossing one over the other. [color=9e0b0f]"Fear. Fear is the most dangerous and destructive thing, human or not. You see. We can look past things we know such as water can drown you, the wind can wisp you away, the earth can crush you and in your case, fire can burn you. You know that what follows day is night and what follows night is day. You know you wake up at a certain time and go to sleep at a certain time. We all know this but its what we don't know, the unknown is what holds us back and can inevitably kill us, physically or metaphorically."[/color] He held his glance to her before looking away again and spat out another fireball into the air, watching it fade into the wind. A plume of smoke exited his nose as he turned his head to face her. [color=9e0b0f]"Like I said, we know the elements can kill and we know how certain things are supposed to work. We know that if we ask someone out we will get a yes or a no or something in between. But what happens if we, say, don't ask that person? What if we have self-doubt? We could have been their friend, hell, maybe more so. Or say you never went on a rollercoaster or driven a car. How will you know if you'll have fun or not if you don't go? How do you know you won't be a good driver? Life is full of gambits that have different payouts but its up to us to take the chance." [/color] He smiled gently as he closed his eyes, his hands rested behind his head as a makeshift pillow.