[quote=@iHxzardx] [@Grey][@LHG100][@Filthy Mudblood][@Framing A Moose] Alright you all had your fun... It was literally just gunna be a little group of anyone who wanted to be apart of it. there is no special draw Im not fucking paying for your shit. Im not a business entrepreneur or a fucking democrat of some sort that gives you things for free at everyone elses expense... I thought it would be fun... I originally thought of is as a gaming community so I see now that that is the only thing that I should even consider setting it up as... Thank you, You all got a nice dig at my post... No goodbye... Get kids... [/quote] Well, they certainly did have their fun based on the amount of likes and laughs. I highly doubt that any their comments were intended to be mean-spirited in any sense. If you took it that way, then fine, but by showcasing yourself as so unwelcoming to humor or constructive criticism, you are only scaring off new individuals. Now I know you didn't ask for my advice, but I can see you want this group to succeed. My advice would be to welcome this sense of humor and these individuals into your group if they so wish. By lightening up, everyone can have a much happier time. That being said, I wish you luck with your group.