[b][h2][center][color=1b1464]Overlook's Bunker.[/color][/center][/h2][/b] [center][sup][color=8882be][b]"What a shocker..."[/b][/color][/sup][/center] [i]The Eye[/i] backed up when the girl went for her gun. Overlook wanted to avoid hostility with this girl, as he was unaware of how strong her powers were, if she had any for combat, and even if she didn't, she DID have a gun. Powers or no powers, it's still a gun, and this is a ball of plastic. The girl then spoke to Overlook's drone... [b][color=bc8dbf]”What. . . Who is that? Are you the new Ward's drone?”[/color][/b] Overlook prepared to flee as he spoke through his mic. [b][color=8882be]"Tulpa? No. I'm my own parahuman, like you I'd presume, but unfortunately when you have no leg it's hard to actually *make* a difference in the world."[/color][/b] This was a surprisingly calm encounter. The only other people Overlook could remember talking to was a person claiming to be his mother, and he calmly reacted to that situation with a lot of yelling. It was a hard day. [b][color=8882be]"The name is Overlook. Expert hacker and strategist. Glad to be in the presence of a similar individual for a change, it's really lonely where I am."[/color][/b] While Overlook was talking, his gaze turned towards a small set of blueprints he had made in the past while [i]The Eye[/i] was being constructed. The blueprints were for a smaller, more compact drone that would accompany his main drone, but it would serve for an interesting purpose, allowing him to hack and control large machines by simply attaching to them. It never made it past the drawing phase though, as there wasn't any way he could create technology like that with his budget or abilities. Alas, Overlook returned to his conversation. [b][color=8882be]"You're good with that gun by the way."[/color][/b] [@solokolos]