Whether it be an actual school, an academy for superpowered youngsters, or flat-out "*Insert franchise here* Academy"... how do my fellow RPers feel about these kinds of RPs? They never seem to be in demand as they're consistently overflowing compared to any other genre of RP, or so I find. I suppose I can kinda see the appeal of making an RP where the characters are in a school setting. It's relatable. I get that. I don't have to like it, but I get it. What I don't really get so much is the appeal behind taking [franchise] and having the characters be in a school in some alternate reality version of their world. It's such a huge RPing concept that I used to love a long time ago but honestly just can't get into anymore. Have I just turned cynical and picky towards RPs over time? I'm not sure. Maybe I just think the concept has gotten stale or something. Most of the ones I see just treat it as the means to an end - the end being that it's easier to set up a plot in a school setting because it already explains the reasons of the protagonists for being where they are. ...Eh, I'll leave my opinion at that for now. I didn't intend to turn it into a rant or anything. How does the Guild feel about these kinds of RPs?