Roland stifled his stealthy jog and did a double take over his right shoulder. A young man had fallen out of a tree, and unfortunately his new companion had stopped to acquaint himself. York reminded Roland of Eddie more and more every second. The pulsating blue light continued to pulse in the distance, and if Roland knew anything about crazy paranormal happenings (and he did) he knew that it may be their best shot at elucidating an answer to their situation. Hell it could maybe even bring them home. Roland performed his standard quick analysis of the person who York had just helped up. The man wore strange attire top to bottom. Unlike with York, Roland had never seen dress from this culture. Another aspect through Roland's mind for a loop. The man wore a mask that completely covered his face up with the exception of his left eye. This made Roland immediately suspect the man. In his years of experience, the only people who covered their faces completely were those who held dark secrets. He supposed that he had dark secrets as well. Grunting loudly enough for the two to hear several feet away, Roland spoke authoritatively. [color=palevioletred] "Come you two," [/color] he assumed the other lad would be coming along as well, [color=palevioletred] "I promise there will be time to exchange information later. For all we know, that light in the distance could provide us with the answers we seek." [/color] Considering the bizarre circumstances that brought these three together, that assessment seemed as correct to him as any other could. Roland moved with the group with light and speedy feet. He had learned in his many years of traversing different terrains how to move quickly without making too much noise. The other two may not follow suit, however. After a few minutes the newly formed ka-tet would reach a point in the tree line in which a bright electric blue arch had formed in the middle of an open field. They were just in time to catch two ominous figures, one with a smaller being on his shoulder, walk into the arch casually. Beside it was a high-tech looking turret, and a burly looking man with a hard hat on. Roland almost choked when he saw the arch; this arch did not look anything like the doorways the Man In Black had created for him whence he awoke on the edge, but they did indeed appear to be some kind of doorway. Doorways meant other worlds, and Roland knew that there [i]are other worlds than these.[/i] He awaited in suspense for his two compatriots to make their own assessment, and expected them to formulate some kind of approach before they actually advanced. [@BringBack1996] [@DeathXtheXTree]