[@Jotunn Draugr] Welcome aboard, child! Yes, yes, come to the thread! [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120703170029/adventuretimewithfinnandjake/images/2/22/Freak_deer.gif[/img] [@Daisedconfused] I think we ought to save plot things for after getting most (if not all) of the characters to meet and greet. It will be slightly tedious (I know, I'm sorry). Maybe we can have a set date where we move on from this first scene. Any new characters can be integrated later on in the plot. As for plot stuff, what do you guys think? Some sort of Ocean's Eleven type heist? A Shawshank Redemption escape story? A social reform? Etc? I'm just spitballin' here. EDIT: I'll be awake for like, IDK 30 more minutes? I've had a long day and I've got an even longer one tomorrow.... :( Yay democracy! At least I have you guys to steer this thing in the right direction. <3