[center][h1] [color=f49ac2]Wicked Frost[/color] and [color=0054a6]Kyle[/color] [/h1][/center] Wicked turned off the ALL CALL and wiped the tears that came to her eyes. She stood up just as Kyle walked through the doorway. [color=f49ac2]"What's up Kyle?"[/color] Kyle walked in and almost regretted coming. But he had to do this, for his and Edens sake. [color=0054a6]"Miss Wicked........I have a small request of you. I have a problem and if it doesn't get fixed I will lose Eden. And......myself. It seems not too long ago my mind was ripped in two and I have a second personality that likes to come out and kill. And I need help stopping it.[/color]" Wicked looked up at Kyle and a mixture of emotions nearly erupted from her. Another one of her metas had a mental split? At least this one wasn't from outter space. [color=f49ac2]"We can fix it but I'll need Shiver to go get my friend Scarlet to come help us out. Are you okay with this?"[/color] [color=0054a6]"Yea im fine with it but are you sure Shiver could handle something like this? I have not spoken to her much since she got back but she doesnt seem one hundred percent better."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Oh yeah, no problem. She is just going to teleport Scarlet here."[/color] As she asked Shiver mentally she appeared in a moment holding William's hand and Scarlet's. Shiver let go of Scarlet and she and William teleported back out. [color=f49ac2]"See, no problem."[/color] Once the situation was explained to Scarlet Witch she agreed to do it. Scarlet also had had a meta split into two personalities. [color=f49ac2]"Are you ready Kyle? This might hurt a ....well a lot."[/color] Kyle gave it a moments thought. He hated Kieran and what he was doing but at the same time he couldnt really really hate him. Kieran was just the mental manifestation of all the repressed crap he had inside him. But he needed to do this......Kyle shook away his thoughts and nodded. Scarlet Witch needed something to put the other personality into. She nodded at Wicked who phased her hand into Kyles body and removed a small piece of his liver to be used as tissue for a new body. Scarlet held him down magically even though his screams were excruciating to hear. As soon as the tissue was out she chanted a spell and Kyle felt his mind being ripped apart and at some point he lost consciousness. Once the spell was complete Kieran was in his own body and he was quickly growing tissue for that body. It would stop when he got to Kyle's age. It was at this point where Wicked healed him and he woke up a few moments later. Kyle awoke, slightly confused. It took him more than a moment to remember where he was and what he was doing. Over all it was probably a good thing he was in the state he was or he would have flipped when he saw the small skin colored whatever on the ground next to him, slowly growing and taking an eeriely similar appearance of him. [color=0054a6]"What the......huh? I thought you were getting rid of Kieran?"[/color] [color=f7941d]"Well he has to be out of you before we can get rid of him doesn't he?"[/color] Scarlet Witch said. It was at this moment most of Kierans senses had started to fully form and start working. Kieran was just in time to hear [color=f7941d]"Get rid of him"[/color]. He did not appreciate that. As soon as he could move Kieran took a breath and teleported out of the room. Kyle sat there, almost suprised.[color=0072bc]"Wow......that was so shocking. The clone of the guy who can teleport just teleported away. It was almost like he knew we were gonna kill him."[/color] Scarlet Witch looked at Kyle and at Wicked. [color=f7941d]"You should be able to follow him. Go get him and kill him."[/color] Scarlet said. Shiver reappeared and ported Scarlet home. Wicked went bak to the office and left Kyle standing there confused. Kyle sat there for a few moments trying to pull himself together. He was in so much pain, he couldnt see straight. He pulled out his phone and called Eden, leaving a voice mail. [color=0054a6]"Hey Little Flower its me. When you get this I will probably be still be in Wickeds office. I um.....I cant leave the office yet when you wake up can you find me?"[/color] Kyle pocketed his phone, then layed down on the floor with his hands pressed against his face. Eden woke up slowly, like she was still in a fog. Her head hurt but she noticed her hangover symptoms were disappearing rather quickly. She was certainly that her powers didn't allow her to be drunk for a long time or feel the consequences like humans did. She got up and grabbed her clothes and got dressed. Her phone was blinking and she checked her voice mail. The office? Why would he be stuck in the office? Eden headed that way. Kyle was laying on the floor and Wicked was at her desk doing paperwork. [color=8493ca]"Kyle? Why are you on the floor? Are you ok?"[/color] Wicked answered this one. [color=f49ac2]"He is ok. It will take a little while for the remnants of his mind to be repaired as there is missing information now." [/color] Eden dropped to her knees. [color=8493ca]"What did you do?"[/color] Kyle never took his hands off his face but he did reply. [color=0054a6]"Well.....you questioned if marrying me was the right move because of Kieran and you said you would go back to Asgard so.....I went to Wicked and got rid of Kieran from my mind."[/color] Eden's jaw hit the floor. She had no idea what to say. She felt the tears forming and she pulled him into her arms. [color=8493ca]"By the Gods I must be the most cruel of them all. How could you survive that? It had to be incredibly painful."[/color] Eden lifted him up and carried him back to his room.[color=8493ca] "I can't believe you did that for me? Does that mean he is gone forever?"[/color] Kyle felt pain with every touch and every step. He felt like every nerve was flayed and then ripped apart then was put back together. [color=0054a6]"No, we had to remove him from my body so some body part was torn and from that tissue Kieran was removed and grown. He teleported out, and I am going to have to find him soon."[/color] Kyle opened an eye slightly and looked at Eden. [color=0054a6]"So does this mean you wont leave me?" [/color] Eden couldn't believe he even needed to ask that. [color=8493ca]"Of course I'm not going to leave you." [/color]She said softly putting him in his own bed. She crawled in next to him. She had an afterthought, did Kyle remember Kieran having sex with her and would Kieran think it was ok to do so again. collaboration with [@dabombjk]