[img]http://i.imgur.com/fWyAGfR.png[/img] Josie gonna be smashing bad peoples faces in. She also need to come up with a cooler name. [hider=Josie Kaya] [b]Character you have created:[/b] Josie Kaya [b]Alias:[/b] Cabbie (Untill she can come up with something better.) [b]Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):[/b] [color=#6660CC]#6660CC[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] [b]Identity:[/b] [b]Character Personality[/b]: Josie is of mix heritage and have scrapped her entire life as the result of facing down disapproving voices from both sides of her linage. Not to mention dealing with the system that is very much stacked agqinst her. She comes from the roughest parts of ”Little Thailand” a small part just outside of china town. Her grit is second to none, and her discipline would give drill sarge run for his money. She likes to toss down a cold one and relax around friends, but will go into fight or flight the second you corner her about her past. In a fight, she is a terror. She is ruthless and violent to the point of crippling people with her bare hands. she fights dirty and she fights efficiently. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] Josie does't wear anything special for her ”vigilante duty”. She ties a scarf around her face to hide it but it usually slips off. She wears army fatigues and varius sturdy articles of clothing. Generally, you will see her dressed in some sort of faux-military get up. Her preference lay with vests and tank tops. [img]https://cdn2.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/700/174/large/johannes-helgeson-jhelgesonbareknuckle01.jpg?1451247216[/img] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Josie Kaya was born to a Thai father and Chilean mother. She was born into a poor household as the only child. Her parents lived in Little Thailand, a mainly thai set of neigbourhoods that exist on the outskirts of china town. The place always had trouble with the local teen gangs stirring up trouble. But they did seem to keep out the far worse alternative; The Triads. Being close to the China Town district, there were the occasional gangsters trying to move in. But the gangs kept chasing them out. Josie ended up in one of these gangs. Being a girl, she had to scrap twice as hard as the boys, but she managed. She was all fire, and people began to call her ”Ray Josie” which meant Fierce Josie in Thai. But she knew the streets would claim her life and that she needed an out. Thai Boxing wasn't that way, as good as she was she lacked the discipline to train daily and several of the boys in her gang attended the gym she went to. Her out became singing up for the army. As it turns out, she was a pretty good fit. Her sheer determination of not going back coupled with her talent for fighting made her a favorite to her superiors who constantly saw her outperform her peers, male and female. Her service record distinguished her as a good shot with a exceptional ability to keep calm in the worst of situations. She was fast tracked to special forces as her grit, determination nad ability all were second to none in her unit. She spent 15 years fighting abroad. From her 20th birthday to right after her 35th. By the time she got home, she had spent 8 of those in special ops, doing wetwork and fighting behind enemy lines. She doesnt talk about it much, but there are tidbits in her now expunged record. She was in Laos when something happened to her. She came in contact with another plane of existence. She, like a shaman of old, drew upon the wisdom of her dead ancestors when she was about to be killed in a ambush. She left the army shortly after that. Returning home to seek counsel from her father, who was a religious man. But there were nothing for her to return to. During the past 15 years, little Thailand had fallen to the Triads. The old gangs were gone, murdered all but for a few. Her father had died along her mother, having been trapped in the local shrine during a shoot out. A new Triad Leader had approached the neighborhood with a scorched earth mindet. Her home was in ruins. One that did survive however, was her old Thai Boxing teacher. A lady who it turned out, was also well versed and experienced in the supernatural. She explained that the Infinite Mother, the energy of the universe itself, had chosen her to be its vessel. Because she was like it, fire and bright. Just and tempered. Under her tutelage, Josie learned to call upon the spirits more frequently and in more controlled circumstances. Josie also turned her cab, her sole possession left to her by her mother, into a shrine of sorts. [b]Hero Type (Select one):[/b] Hero (But toes the line with the sheer brutality of her actions) / Supernatural (Avatar of a 'god') [b]Power Level (Select one below):[/b] Street/City [b]Powers (Be Specific):[/b] [color=#6660CC]The Mothers Flame; [/color] A mystical force that flows trough Josie at all time, The Mothers Flame is the manifestation of her anguish and the supposed godly mothers will to ease it. When She calls upon it, she is bestowed with supernatural power and abilties. [color=#6660CC]Third Eye;[/color] She is not the most apt at opening her third eye, it take meditation and alot of sitting still. But she can do it, and it allows her to see all things otherworldly for what they truly are. [color=#6660CC]Ancestral Possesion;[/color] Only possible when the flame is stoked so to speak. When her bond with the Mother diety is strong enough, spirits ride its cotails and enter her. She gains their knowledge and skills for a brief moment as a result. [b]Attributes:[/b] [indent]Strength Level: 3xHuman (ancestral mode) Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Peak human. When in Ancestral mode 10xhuman Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 5xhuman (Ancestral Mode) Agility: Peak Human, when in Ancestral Mode she has 3xhuman Intelligence: She isn't a genius, but she got street smarts to spare. More a fighter then a thinker in the end. Fighting Skill: Trained CQC in the army. A exceptional Muy Thai fighter. Possess vast knowledge when it comes to firearms, urban warfare and stealth. When channeling her ancestors, she gains additional skills. [/indent] [b]Resources:[/b] Practically none. She lives in her cab. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Even when possessed, she is only human. Anything that kills a human, kills her pretty much. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] [i]Bak May:[/i] Her Mentor. 79 year old, former Thai Boxing Womens world champion. Born in Thai Land, came to the states to open a gym with her husband, who were her trainer at the time. Respected by pretty much everyone in Little Thailand. She is also extremely spiritual and have acted as Josies teacher in everything spiritual. [i]Lou Holmes[/i], Childhood friend. Lou isn't Thai, but lived in little Thailand with his father who worked as a mechanic. He is now Josies mechanic and keeps her cab running. They may or may not have tried dating with a terrible result. They don't wanna talk about it. [i]Hernandez Matanza:[/i] Fellow Cabbie and friend. Hernandez was saved by Josie after he ran afault a triad extortion racket. [i]Haou Lang Koo;[/i] Leader of the Jade Spider Triads. The ones running drugs and prostituion out of Little Thailand. Haou Lang Koo is half Korean, Half chinese. Due to this, his predecessors didn't want to abdicate power to him quite so readily. So he took it trough force. He is know to be completely ruthless. [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] Yes SIR I DO I DOOOO [/hider]