[h1][color=ed1c24]Scout[/color] - Hyrule Fields[/h1] As Scout rode, he and Paige came across some commotion as someone had apparently attacked them, which Paige retaliated against in turn. Scout's horse whinnied and reared back as well, causing Scout to fall off onto his back, grunting as he hit the ground roughly. The impact hurt quite a bit, but it was something he could brush off after a minute. "[color=ed1c24]Ugh. That didn't hurt,[/color]" Scout said to no one as he got back up onto his feet. Once he got his bearings back, however, he could see that more strange individuals had joined them, many of which also had some cool weaponry. Most of them began talking about hives or origami or whatever. Scout didn't really understand any of it. What he did understand, though, was that they still had a mission to do, and that was to get to Terra. What he also understood was that Aki was also a hot chick, and that meant his skill at charming girls was needed. Going over to her, Scout began his usual bragging. "[color=ed1c24]Hey there. Aki, was it? I'm the Scout, fastest and greatest person around. You ain't neva gonna see a more badass fella than me.[/color]"