[quote=@Dusksong] Hi all! Here's my CS :) [hider=Aleyna Weiss] [center][img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=89317084[/img] [color=slategray][h3][b]Aleyna Weiss | 17 | Female[/b][/h3][/color][/center] [u][b][color=slategray]Appearance:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]At a slim 5’8”, Aleyna tends towards the frail side of skinny. Brown hair and grey eyes are set upon her light skin tone, her hair hiding the small half-inch scar stretching down from her eyebrow while her clothes hide the rest of the wounds now scabbed over with delicate white skin.[/indent] [u][b][color=slategray]Powers:[/color][/b][/u] [indent][b]Catoptric Teleportation: [/b]Aleyna can enter the mirror plane—the world people's’ reflections live in. A white, blank, and empty space, the mirror plane lacks all sensory output as well as time. To enter a mirror, Aleyna simply looks touches one, willing herself inside the space she sees and out of the world she feels. To exit Aleyna must either exit through the mirror she entered or find another one by wandering through the space beyond the mirror through which she came. [/indent] [u][b][color=slategray]Weaknesses/Limitations:[/color][/b][/u] [indent][b]Focus: [/b]Aleyna’s powers require immense focus. While entering the mirror realm is easy enough, without focus one’s consciousness is easily suffocated by the sheer emptiness of the mirror world, and it takes a lot of concentration to maintain a sense of self and navigate through the realm to another mirror. While time doesn’t pass for those in the outside world, a person with consciousness inside will feel it passing nonetheless without any indication that it is. [b]Untrained: [/b]Along with being a difficult power to use, Aleyna’s power is also mostly untapped. She adamantly refuses to use her powers and would rather have been born without them. Perhaps with training she could increase her mental prowess to be able to enter the mirror plane through all reflective surfaces without touch and bring others into the mirror realm, but she’s far from being that capable at this stage. [b]Sensory Deprivation: [/b]The mirror realm is a blank slate, and it forces that same whiteness onto everything inside. There are no senses inside the mirror plane, no feeling of your feet hitting the floor or your chest expanding with every breath. No sound of your own heartbeat. Not a single sense that you’re still alive. With focus one can make their way through this plane, but without focus one easily loses themselves inside. [b]Fear: [/b]Aleyna loathes her power. For her, the mirror realm is the place in her nightmares, a white space where she spent an eternity but can’t remember a thing. Using her powers are the last thing she’d ever consider in a life-or-death scenario simply because to her, the mirror plane is a fate much, much worse than death. It’s being completely alone and utterly helpless without a single sense of self, clawing up some loose shred of individuality only to find yourself crushed with fear. [/indent] [u][b][color=slategray]Progress:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]To be filled in at a later date. This slot is for documenting the progress a character makes during their time at TEF-149, when they happen in the IC. Please don't add progress without mentioning it canonically.[/indent] [u][b][color=slategray]Personality:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]Once upon a time Aleyna was a bright student, a hard worker, and a delightful person to be around. That person’s gone now, and even though Aleyna wants to be strong, her power scares her more than she can describe in words. Every time she’s alone she feels the blankness creeping up on her again, the feeling of being surrounded by nothing—of being nothing. With a case of severe amnesia and self-induced silence, Aleyna now strives to find meaning in her life, putting on a facade in front of everyone to show them that she’s fine—that she’s happy. Even if she tosses and turns at night, clutching her sheets so hard she leaves imprints through the sheets and into her skin, all in order to remind herself that she’s still human. That she feels pain like everyone else. That she’ll never have to wonder about whether she really exists at all.[/indent] [u][b][color=slategray]Backstory:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]Aleyna was born to a well-off family in District 3. Having been a star student at the private school since she was young, and set for one of the finest universities in the districts, imagine her surprise when her third Mal-test came back positive. Saying Aleyna broke down is a understatement—she died right then and there. All her plans, all her aspirations to be the daughter her parents could be proud of—gone. Because of a document that came in the mail citing how she will be delivered to the “TEF-149” the next day. Aleyna locked herself in the bathroom that night, altering between sobbing and screaming and falling completely quiet as she glared at the ceiling. And then, her eyes caught the mirror. Aleyna’s desire to escape her imminent doom caused her to enter the mirror plane for the first time, unprepared and utterly bewildered. As the sensory deprivation slammed into her, she quickly started hyperventilating before falling apart in the white. There she stayed, by the mirror she entered through, eyes trained on the blank white nothingness around her, back against the mirror. There, she slowly forgot everything about herself, everything about who this “Aleyna Weiss” was, but a nagging thought kept attention to the object behind her. This window showed a world that was real, a world that was colorful and seemed all too familiar. Touching the surface, the girl wished she could— Aleyna was collected from the bathroom on the second story of the Weiss residence the next day, awake but deathly pale and silent in the middle of a pile of broken glass. The bathroom mirror by the girl had shattered into pieces, and many of the shards were embedded in the girl’s skin, including a prominent one on her face. She was rushed to receive emergency medical care where the shards of glass were removed before being put into a drug-induced coma. After waking, Aleyna seems to be mostly back to normal, although her first question revealed her deteriorated mental state: [i]“Aleyna? Who’s that? Are you talking to me?”[/i] Aleyna’s mental state is slowly improving as her memories come back in fragments in her dreams, but with the amount of time she spent in the mirror realm… Her dreams are mostly white. [/indent] [u][b][color=slategray]Talents/Skills:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]Aleyna’s brain is sharp despite her amnesia, and she retains information very well. She’s also quite adept at cooking.[/indent] [u][b][color=slategray]Quirks/Habits/Other:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]Aleyna loves animals. From spiders to kittens, they’re all fascinating to her. They remind her that she’s not alone, that there’s still life around her.[/indent] [u][b][color=slategray]TL/DR:[/color][/b][/u] [indent]A perceptive and quiet girl who’s deathly afraid of her powers. Slowly piecing together her life before she arrived at the camp. Quite smart.[/indent] [/hider] [/quote] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/04/f5/f4/04f5f495cc4b8c781779e2b8b3b934d6.jpg[/img] Welcome Mirror Man- I mean, Aleyna.