[@SecretlyDiscord] First of all, I love that creepy little deer. He's wonderful. (ahem) I had a feeling that was going to happen since we got so many new people. Now we have a lot of girl characters, makes me wanna make a dude... hmm. 030 And as far as the plot goes, I dunno yet (Gosh, I'm so helpful. What would you do without me?). I kinda want to see what life is like in the facility before trying to decide how they're going to overcome it, I guess. Speaking of life in the facility, what sort of stuff is going to be going down? I know they're supposed to be learning to use their abilities, so are they going to actively force them to train or is it more like they're stuck in there until they're deemed beneficial to society (Kinda like a psych ward where they're essentially stuck there forever because no one's going to believe they're sane, or in this case, more usefull than they are dangerous)? And if they are training, what sort of stuff will they be doing? Is it training by themselves, as a group, or even against each other? Or does it just depend on the kinda powers they have? And have the characters been giving their bomb collars or serial numbers yet (do we just make up their serial numbers? If so, should we add it into our CS?)? It's nine am here and for some reason I woke up three hours ago and can't get back to sleep, so excuse me if I'm rambling. I like to ask lots of questions. :B