[center][h3][color=red] Ken [/color][/h3][/center] After grabbing his bag, he started to follow the two men, York and Roland, Ken still felt the sting on his arm and cringed a little with every movement. He didn't want to slow them down, but he also noticed how the Cowboy was staring at him with an expression that he gotten before. From where? He wanted to pull off the mask with his free hand, and done so to show Roland his [url=https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQqWAcQ5LgyUdt8yNmCr3uF_mKsxvXF1F6wJ-t3BANBosvPN1htgQ]face[/url] and not to be mistaken as a threat. He can remember bits and pieces of that similar looks from somewhere. He held onto the mask in the same hand that he had taken it off. "[color=red]I'm sorry...[/color]" Ken whispered under his breath, barely audible for anyone to hear. He didn't want to be left alone, and he had a feeling that this was going to be long journey. Ken felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, by ignored it so that they didn't stop. The strange gate caught his attention, the alluring blue color reminded him of [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/577557694753697792/l1lFpOig.jpeg]someone[/url] from somewhere. That someone who wanted to see him, but failed to recall her name. He winced again from the pain, he did not slow down their pace to reach the door. He huffed a little with each step that they've taken, he felt that sting on his arm again, however, this time was different. The warm to cooling liquid he felt on his arm wasn't a coincidence at all, he had a feeling that he was bleeding out from somewhere, and it was his arm. He ignored it to keep moving with York and Roland. [@CrimsonCastle] [hr] [center][h3][color=gray] Ainz [/color][/h3][/center] After entering the portal, Ainz noticed the little men and women pointing spear at the orange one again. It was after he made his presents with Kieri on his shoulder for them to switch their attention over, but they've failed miserably at the attempt to scare him or to make him feel [i]afraid[/i] of them. He stood their with a blank expression, as he could muster, and watched Kieri jump off of his shoulder to... Was he seeing this right? The little angel was trying to defend him? A dark laugh came from him. He went over and plucked Kieri up and placed her on his shoulder again. [color=gray]"After getting that choker off, you are still numb. Let myself and the Sith Lord deal with... These munchkins."[/color] Ainz stated dully. Shortly after he said that, he heard the him off a plasma sword go off behind him and Kieri. Maybe he could use a spell, but then again, using a summon would be much easier to handle than draining his reservoirs for these shrimps. He raised his arms a tad to summon a low tier summon. [color=gray]"Come forth my pets, Bone Vulture and Wraith. Your master calls for you to take care of these diminutive beings."[/color] He whispered. Just a few feet on either side of himself, the ground trembled. Through the ground came first was the [url= http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/overlordmaruyama/images/0/0b/Bone_Vulture.png/revision/latest/window-crop/width/200/x-offset/0/y-offset/77/window-width/1366/window-height/683?cb=20150915044049]Bone Vulture[/url]. It shook it's moulting feathers and gave a shriek before it flew off while picking up two of the Toads. Next came the [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/overlordmaruyama/images/7/7c/Wraith.png/revision/latest?cb=20150915044030]Wraith[/url] that hovered near him before it started to wail and cause fear in the hearts of the beings. He knew this was over kill, but ignored it due to the fact that someone much stronger comes out of the shadows to face them. He watched from the side lines with Kieri on his shoulder, but remained vigilant of the surroundings. [@Lmpkio][@BringBack1996]