miles came up to the Hangar bay just as they other Shuttles left to other ships. Dressed in what he called his 'diplomatic uniform. Whilst Raiden had gone for his officer's combat suit. [b]"you ready for this captain?"[/b] Miles asked walking into the shuttle's side doors, [b]" about as ready as one can be in this situation,"[/b] he jumped into the cockpit and loaded up the engines; [b]"Buckle up my flying might be a bit rusty."[/b] He opened up the comms as the ship left the hangar, [b]"Haines, Any news on this paramount cruiser?"[/b] [b]"I've personally checked through all of our records, and the only thing I found was a small insurrectionist group on BT_44, but I doubt insurrectionists, would act like they have"[/b] [b]"Understood, thanks for the info"[/b] [b]"Paramount This is Oblivion Shuttle 01 approaching The specified hangar."[/b] the gravitational field kicked in as the shuttle drifted into the hangar the feeling of the sudden acceleration was odd as per the usual, but after all his years in space flight, it was standard. The door to the ship opened with the hiss of hydraulics. Moving out, both with breather helmets. after testing the atmosphere onboard. they removed them, He was going to move towards the commander before the sudden intrusion. The two men both pulled out their pistols, ready for whatever was coming, once the two men had landed Raiden and miles both holstered their weapons. Miles inspected them both and turned to Raiden; [b]"Cosmonauts I believe, different era entirely, had a specific attitude to doing things their way,"[/b] Raiden just nodded and continued walking. He was about to announce himself when a beep from his comms cut him short. [b]"Commander We've just completed a scan of the ship as per your request, It's known as the spirit of wind, but we believe that it acts as a Hub for AI almost, It's weaponry is much similar to that of what we faced on Operation Genisis."[/b] a lump formed in Raiden's throat, as he looked at Miles. [b]"Understood Haines, keep The APAC ready"[/b] he closed the comms channel and turned to commander Powers and introduced himself [b]"Raiden captain of the SOSCOM HWRS Oblivion, and This is my XO Miles, I'm glad you set this up commander, This is a strange time for all of us."[/b] [hider= 'diplomatic armour'] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider= Officer's Armour] [img][/img] [/hider]