[b]Kingdom of Jouran[/b] Colonel Bohdan liked to consider intelligence work like fishing. You set the bait, cast your rod, and then waited for the fish to nibble on the hook. It had been six years since Jouran had achieved statehood, in that time Bohdan had seen new nations rise, others get swallowed up, and Empire’s slowly begin their march to decay. Yet some things never changed. The Kingdom of Jouran was under threat at its borders as it had been during the time of its Duke’s. It had been the continent’s rabbit, constantly fought on, trod on, and occupied. The result was an ethnic blend that made up Jouran’s fabric to this day. The Colonel for his part was determined that there would be no more dramatic shifts of fate on this sea of change. The most dramatic of which was from the neighboring state of Dongaria. If any country posed a dramatic threat, with a million men under arms, it was Jouran’s neighbors to the northwest. With its dilapidated defenses, the newly born nation was in a peculiar position. But if the Dongarian’s were to cross the river, then the Colonel was determined that his countrymen would not be caught by surprise. The Royal Jouranian Intelligence Service functioned like a well-oiled machine. Unlike the Jouranian National Army, the RJI was one of the few entities within the Kingdom that did not have the Tyro-Antari’s fingerprints all over it. It was formed nearly twenty years ago to keep an eye on the various political movements and most of all at the time, a boot on the throat of the Duke’s enemies. During the War of the Seven King’s, the intelligence given to their Imperial counterparts had been dismissed as inadequate. It had resulted In a great deal of Jouran’s sons returning home in pine boxes, including Bohdan’s own son. For the moment however, the Colonel was ensuring that his net was cast wide to gather up whatever bits of information he could. Everything could be valuble, a rumor, a word, at the Royal Jouranian Headquarters everything was disseminated by the Intelligence units before new orders were given to agents in the field. The Colonel for his part acted as the medical examiner at the autopsy. It was up to him to sift through the body of work and see what would go in the final report to his superiors. With that thought in mind, the Colonel dusted off his reading glasses, eased himself into his favorite padded chair, and began to sift through the pile of neatly stacked papers on his desk. [u][b]182nd Infantry Regiment: Jouran-Dongarian Border: [/b][/u] ‘’ THE KING NEEDS YOU! ‘’ The mustachioed poster had declared six months ago on the streets of the capital. It was one such advertisement that littered the streets of the capital, loudly boasting the benefits the young but growing Jouranian National Army. At its height, the force was barely under a hundred thousand men but the Legislature was pushing for the forces sized to be nearly doubted. The posters promised warm lodgings, good pay, and three square meals a day. Instead, Private Hynek had found a force that was giving wooden rifles to its recruits in order for them to train. When Hynek was issued his rifle, he found it to be as old as the one his grandfather had used when he had been in the Imperial Army. The Private lit a new cigarette, coughing as he wave away the swirl of smoke. It was a rainy, miserable day on the border. He squinted to see any moving figures opposite his small guard post but for the moment the Dongarian border was quiet. No masses of troops waiting to cross, no makeshift bridges, though Hynek truly wondered if the day did come if the JNA would be in a position to stop them. [center]The National Review[/center] [center]The Nations premier source for news [/center] [b]War Hero to stand for Parliament: [/b] Retired General Richard Moraclev is expected to run under the Labor Platform and challenge Conservative incumbent Jan Radzkey in Parliament to represent the Asov region. Moraclev is noted for his service during the War of the Seven King’s, where he commanded the Eighth Infantry Regiment during the Siege of Fusan. The Eighth Infantry Division survived a grueling eight month siege in defense of the industrial city of Fusan. It wasn’t until Tyro-Antari forces managed to launch a counteroffensive that the Eighth Infantry division was able to withdraw. Still, the General is considered to have his own share of baggage. A vocal proponent of Jouran’s role in the war against Blutland, Moraclev was briefly arrested and detained for his criticism of the Emperor during the War and eventually resigned his commission. [b]Foreign Minister Calls for Extradition: [/b] Foreign Minister Karel Radovitz has called for the Tyro-Antari Government for a speedy investigation into the Carlsburg affair, saying that ‘’ this crime has gone unanswered for years, the victims and their families deserve justice. I will be working with my counterparts to ensure that the accused see the inside of a courtroom to finally answer for the massacre. ‘’ A special prosecutor and team from the Royal Gendarmerie have been dispatched to the Empire to assist in the investigation. [hider= National Budget] Starting GDP: 6.5 billion (-2 billion due to arms production) -- Administration: Stability: 54 = 1.35 billion -2 Stability from Arms Factory Total Upkeep: 1.35 billion -- Infrastructure: Current Infrastructure: 0 Increase Infrastructure by five: 1 Billion Total Expenditure: 1 Billion -- Automobile Current Automobile: 0 Increase Automobile Industry by one: 250 million -- Industry: Total upkeep: 250 million Factory Production: x 2 Factory producing = 80,000 rifles, 40 cannons. Build Arms Factory: Two billion twenty million -- Military: Standing Army = 90,000 = Two hundred seventy million Reservists = 150,000 = One hundred fifty million Total Upkeep: 420 million Recruit: 120,000 regular soldiers. Total Expenditure: Two hundred forty million Design & Development: Rifle Design: KR- 30 Mk II Bolt Action Rifle: 500 million Espionage: -- Dongaria : 300 Million -- Kavonia: 100 Million TOTAL UPKEEP: Two billion twenty million TOTAL EXPENDENTURE: Four billion four hundred ten million TOTAL: Six billion four hundred thirty billion [/hider]