Hi all! Heres my bio. [hider=My Bio] [b]Legacy: [/b] Black Adam (Teth-Adam) [b]WW II Predecessor:[/b] Black Adam [b]Name:[/b] Andrew Kerrel [b]Alias:[/b] Black Adam II [b]Relationship to Predecessor:[/b] Direct decendant, through one of Teth-Adam's bastards while he was still a egyptian prince. [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Powers/Skills/Equipment:[/b] Like his predecessor, he is gifted powers from six different gods. However, unlike his predecessor, he is completely incapable of using them all at once, being forced into a state where he can only use two and sometimes three at any one moment, and even the powers that he can use are nowhere near as powerful as those wielded by Black Adam. He cannot fly beyond a hundred mph or so. His strength is a little better, being able to send an car through the air with a single punch. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Despite being an incredibly dangerous opponent to most. He VASTLY overestimates what he is capable of. Although he isn't quite insane to go through with his plan to tear master man limb from limb (yet) He is arrogant, vicious and believes that master man is the only person alive who can beat him. In reality, his powers are quite easy to counter, due to not knowing how to use most of them beyond the basics (strength, speed, stamina, sometimes a bit of wisdom) entire battle strategy is annihilating everything in his path as quickly as possible with as little fuss as possible. He is intelligent enough to use tactics, but just dousn't believe that he needs to. In the event of things not going his way, he will use the lightning bolt. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=\Picture] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/1rsx9t.png[/IMG] [/hider] [b]Predecessor's History:[/b] After his banishment to the end of the universe, Black Adam spent 5000 years flying back to earth, only to find himself in the closing months of world war two. He didnt have any idea which side to be on, so he decided to fight them both for his own amusement, and as a way to stretch his legs after said five millennia. However, as the war came to a close, he began to lose his taste for it, starting to develop a conscience and slowly becoming uncomfortable at killing people at random. After much thought when the war ended, he decided to hunt former members of the third Reich as a way to fulfill his lust for a fight. Unfortunately, this eventually brought him into conflict with Master Man. [b]BRIEF Bio: [/b] Born in Cairo a few years before the rise of the fourth Reich, Andrew was the son of a Egyptian surgeon and a Canadian Engineer who met his wife while doing freelance work for the Egyptian government. His mother died of a brain aneuryism when he was twelve, leaving him with his cold and somewhat dismissive father. He never particularly enjoyed the company of other children, preferring to do things on his own. As a result, he never developed any skills to working with other people. This led to a feeling of arrogance and superiority that he has never fully shaken off. When the fourth Reich was on the march, Cairo was one of it's targets, with Master Man at its head. Andrew's father defected to the fourth Reich, taking several of his inventions with him. Andrew refused to, and simply refused to leave his home. He then waited to be arrested. What he didn't know, is that Black Adam had taken an interest in his family from afar. Before she had died, he had noticed his mothers resemblance to a woman he had known a long time before, before he had even gained his powers. With his completely eidetic memory, he began to suspect that she was a descendant of his. Black Adam attempted to defend his former home from the fourth reich, only to be beaten. He escaped, and managed to make his way back to the home of the woman he had remembered from a few years before. Meeting Andrew, Black Adam explained his suspicions to his shocked descendant, and proceeded to give him the divine empowerment that he had used for so long, explaining what it was, and what he could do with it. With this, he proceeded to leave. Nobody has seen him since. Andrew took Adam's advice to heart, and now uses it to obliterate anything that gets in his way. Mostly members of the fourth Reich. [/hider]