Name: Hidan Age: 28 Sex: Male Appearance: [hider][img][/img] There is no scar in this picture, so you'll have to use your imaginations. It was hard to find a good picture for what I was imagining, but this came closest.[/hider] Background: Hidan was once a Police officer in the Northern regions, dedicated to justice and the service of the public. He had a good life, promotion opportunities, an adoring girlfriend and promising future. At least until the Red Ribbon army came in an annexed the city (along with the entire northern region). During the violent appropriation of the North, Hidan's precinct were tasked with keeping order and facilitating the safe evacuation of the city. During the panic and confusion, he saw his girlfriend separated from the rest of the group he was trying to help by a squad of Red Ribbon soldiers. His orders were immediately forgotten and he raced to her aid. Jumping into the middle of the group, he put his police training to good use and managed to take three of the seven down before they overwhelmed him. Two of them held him while a third one delivered a vicious knife slash to his face, leaving him with a permanent diagonal scar on his face from his right brow to the middle of his lip. As he began to pass out from the pain, he heard his girlfriend cry out, before she was abruptly silenced by a gunshot. Following this was the sound of gunfire and familiar police voices shouting for backup. He came to three days later, his face scarred and his last memories burned into his mind. He spent the next week healing up, proving to be very resilient. He aided the small group of survivors (a number far smaller than what they had tried to save), before deciding that he had to leave. His trauma ate at him like a cancer, his scarred face a permanent reminder of his failure to protect, as well as his burning hatred for the Red Ribbon army. He took to the road as a vagabond, and spent years attacking small Red Ribbon convoys and scout patrols. He had begun to make a small name for himself, and took on an almost mythical quality among the dissidents and survivors of the Red Ribbon rampage. He carried on his attacks relentlessly, feeding his desperate rage, but knowing in his heart that he was doing little to harm Red Ribbon in any way, and his methods were only growing more reckless. Training: Hidan graduated Police Training with high marks, and was exceptionally adept at hand to hand combat and marksmanship. In his spare time, he sought martial arts training to supplement his already impressive skills. Abilities: Hidan possesses no Ki abilities, but in his private martial arts lessons has shown the potential to someday learn and master them. His true talents lie in his martial arts and proficiency with small arms. His police training placed particular emphasis on quick and decisive victories, fast thinking and the ability to disable opponents to de-escalate a situation as efficiently as possible. Items: A basic broadsword slung on his back, and a battered police badge worn as a pendant around his neck, along side the ring he planned to propose to his girlfriend with. Bio: Hidan is a wandering guerrilla fighter with a deep grudge against Red Ribbon.