[center][img]https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8347/29344714335_2d8448c4f7_q.jpg[/img][color=hotpink][h2]Kaela • 3 of Hearts • Hands Of Healing[/h2][/color][sup][color=crimson][b]HP: 14/14[/b][/color] [color=hotpink]||[/color] [color=A625E7]SA: 10/10[/color] [color=hotpink]||[/color][color=gold] 269GP [/color][color=hotpink]||[/color][color=FF8527] [b]0 / 1000 CP[/b][/color] *No Condition*[/sup][h3] Prime District Entrance [color=hotpink]||[/color] Interacting with the Guard Steward [color=hotpink]||[/color] Slightly crapping her panties at the Guards words [/h3][hider=Equipment & Items] [hider=Weapon][i]Royal Staff - Not really a weapon at the moment, but she can bonk you on the head with it if need be![/i] [img]https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8217/28719890314_55034709b6_z.jpg[/img][/hider][sup][color=hotpink][b][u]Pet[/u][/b][/color] Lemmy the Sugar Glider (aww though) [color=gold][b][u]Treasures[/u][/b][/color] A bracelet in the form of a silver snake (That somehow helps with protection and somehow helps her pick up all the dudes.) [color=hotpink][b][u]Inventory[/u][/b][/color] x1 Healing Herb x15 Glass Vials x5 Needle & Thread Waterskin x5 Iron Rations Cloak Writing Tools Empty Book Decorated Box [color=hotpink][b][u]Thematic Items[/u][/b][/color] Royal Staff Hand Made Clockwork Musical Box Identification Documents Huge suitcase full of her clothes/toiletries etc.[/sup][/hider][hider=Additional Information] [hider=Loadout] [sup][color=hotpink][b]Protect (Lvl. 1):[/b][/color] (Spell) Gives a "shield" that can take 3 health and 3 sanity damage and a temporary +1 stamina. All party members nearby the target get a personal shield that can take "2 health / 2 sanity" damage before being destroyed. [color=hotpink][b]Medica (Lvl. 1):[/b][/color] (Spell) Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members for 5 points. [color=hotpink][b]Raise (Lvl. 1):[/b][/color] (Spell) Resurrects target to 1 HP. They receive a 75% debuff to stats until they have an opportunity to rest 8 hours. Healing to 11 health will also remove this debuff if the character has rested for at least two hours. If in combat, healing to 11 health will lower this debuff to 50%, but the character must then spend 5 hours resting due to the physical exertion of having to fight straight after being resurrected. Each hour will reduce the debuff by 10% [color=hotpink][b]Sense of Healing:[/b][/color] While travelling through locations she can sense nearby Healing Regents - 15% chance [color=hotpink][b]Let Me Heal Potions:[/b][/color] She has the unique ability to spend half an hour collecting herbs. When she has 3 types of herb she can combine them with water to make a healing potion.[/sup][/hider] [hider=Area Unlocks] [sup]Menagerie[/sup][/hider] [hider=Madnesses & Corruptions] [sup][/sup][/hider] [hider=Stats] [sup][b]Health: [/b] 11 (Base) [b]Sanity:[/b] 10 (Base) [b]Willpower:[/b] 11 [b]Stamina:[/b] 10 [b]Strength:[/b] 10 [b]Dexterity:[/b] 10 [b]Stealth:[/b] 10 [b]Magic:[/b] 20 [b]Vigilance:[/b] 10 [b]Luck:[/b] 3[/sup][/hider][/hider][/center] Kaela stood shocked as she watched the tall man essentially strip in the streets to get the critters off of him. She had never seen anything like it before. Was this 'pranking' something everyone did? If so she wasn't too keen on it. She wanted to offer help to the man but felt she'd just make things worse. Fizzy was gleefully laughing. She couldn't seem to shake the shock though. When Fizzy turned to look at her his entire aura seemed to change from a gleeful child to one that had been told off. Had she done something wrong? She smiled softly as he tried to explain his actions and she just shook her head. [color=hotpink]"No need to explain to me Fizzy, I have just never seen anything of the sort before... Don't you think it was a bit mean?"[/color] She asked softly as she followed him over to where the stewards were. She walked over to a the one that seemed to have not many people, looked like a guard. An angry, kinda scary looking guard at that. Fizzy's interest piqued, surprised that he wasn't instantly being reprimanded. He expected her to hate him after that, after all, he'd never heard of such things happening in a Heart household. Still, her words caught him off guard, and he struggled to reply.[color=17758D]"Well, maybe he's a mean person. Besides, unexpected pranking is good! It brings them out of their every day drudgery, makes them wake up and smell the coffee-"[/color] but soon Fizzy was shuffled off with the queue he was in, casting one worried look at the guard who was processing Kaela. Still, he was staff, right? It was probably fine. [color=C80027]"Ah, another heart. Let's see here..."[/color] the man was remarkably efficient about rifling through your things. He nods in recognition, [color=C80027]"Good. Another no-nonsense set of items. I'm glad to see students this year are taking their tutelage seriously. What's your name, girl? Come on! Speak up!"[/color] he reached for her papers to start checking through those. Kaela smiled as she was complimented. At least to her a 'no nonsense' student was a compliment ...right? Then she jumped quite startled as he almost yelled at her for her name. [color=hotpink]"Kaela Of the Hands Of Healing!"[/color] She managed out rather quickly. And with out a stutter. She mentally high fived herself for that one. She didn't want to waste this mans time any longer! She quickly handed him her papers and hoped that everything would be over as soon as possible. This man kind of scared her a little. [color=C80027]"A Healer! Excellent, excellent."[/color] he grabbed her shoulders suddenly with a firm grip, leaning in so that she was peering up into his fierce eyes. [color=C80027]"Everyone out on the field will be counting on you, girl. You look a little soft for battle, but that's not something you can afford. Your deck will live and die by your hand, and I'm going to make it my personal duty that you and all the other cushioned souls out there are battle-ready by the time your studying is complete."[/color] He suddenly let go, turning to catch the sun on his face as he crossed his arms behind his back and puffed out his chest in a deep breath. These words stung Kaela to the bone. She knew she was far far far from 'battle ready'.... BUT! Thats why she is here! Shes here to gain confidence in herself and her skills as well as do the best she can for whomever needs her! She bit the bullet and nodded at the guard. [color=hotpink]"Yes sir, I know. That's why I am here. To change myself for the better!"[/color] She spoke with more confidence than she usually does. [center][h3][color=A625E7][b]Something in the Fates has changed...[/b][/color][/h3] [sub][i]This will have an effect on the game world, but it is unclear to you currently.[/i][/sub].[/center] [color=C80027]"There is some dangerous stuff out there, Kaela. You'd do well to strengthen your mind as well as your body."[/color] He turned to stare at her for a long minute. [color=C80027]"NEXT!"[/color] he barked, shoving a selection of papers into her hands. It seemed he'd already placed the mark on her hand some point during the conversation. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BP78D5H.png[/img][/center] Kaela simply nodded at his wise words, knowing she would have a particularly hard time doing things here but she was ready for the challenge. She then proceeded to jump, being startled by the mans sudden bark. She quickly hurried past him to meet Fizzy once again. [color=hotpink]"Oh...er I'm with these people in the VIP suit!"[/color] she spoke softly as she showed him her rather fancy looking piece of paper with a list of names. Collab with: [@Mae] Mentioned: [@RedDusk], [@SilverDawn], [@Brasslazer]