[h3]Collab between [@Thundercrash], [@Zanavy], [@Rethel34], and [@Kovimar][/h3] About fifteen minutes after Emry's battle, she and Solomon walked up the dim stairs, searching for Rebeca. The girl had changed into the shiny Rapidash shirt and pink light-up shoes she had worn on Friday, and her round silver glasses were back on. Her hair was pulled up into a bun in an attempt to hide the parts in the back that had been burned off. [i]"What do you think about her?"[/i] Emry silently asked her companion. Solomon pondered for a moment. [i]"As I said before, the Avatar of Groudon's actions seem determined by her emotions. That's good, in terms of honesty. However, I'm concerned about her ability... or desire... to keep secrets and stick to a discreet plan."[/i] Emry evaluated those words as she stepped out of the basement, wincing for a second as daylight flooded her eyes. She soon spotted Rebeca leaning against the concrete wall. The Avatar smiled lightly and approached the tall woman. "Thanks for the battle and the lunch," Emry began. "Can we find somewhere quiet to eat? Maybe somewhere quiet with Pidgey nuggets?" Giving the girl a small smile, still barefoot and wearing the same jacket and shorts from the fight, Rebeca pushed away from the wall. The jacket was zipped up this time, both to ensure that she didn't get more complaints about how little she was wearing, and help keep Maya snugly in place against her chest. Mihkail was waiting patiently beside her, eyeing up the newcomer. [color=crimson]"I'm buying, so whatever you want."[/color] It didn't take long for the group to find a fast food chain restaurant. There were a few scattered customers in the building, but it was still a little early for the lunch rush. "Um, I'll have the Pidgey nuggets meal," Emry told the cashier. Still looking ahead, she communicated with the Pokemon behind her. [i]"Want anything?"[/i] [i]"I'll just have some of the snacks we packed,"[/i] Solomon replied. [i]"No need for me to inconvenience your acquaintance any further."[/i] A few minutes later, everyone who ordered food received their meals. Emry shuffled to a table in a corner. The girl's mind whirred, still not sure how to say what she wanted to say... so instead, she began cramming crispy chunks of golden Pidgey into her mouth. Drinking from a bottle of water, Rebeca lounged in the booth, letting her legs stretch out beneath the table. [color=crimson]"So, where're ya from?"[/color] she asked, letting her head rest against the back rest. The blonde's eyes shifted for a second. "Kalos." Raising an eyebrow, the taller Avatar smiled slightly. [color=crimson]"No kidding? Sounded like you had an accent of some kind."[/color] She closed her eyes. [color=crimson]"Never been to Kalos. What's it like?"[/color] Emry wasn't quite prepared for such simple small talk from Rebeca, who struck her as a straight-to-the-point kind of person. She wasn't sure whether or not she liked it. "Well... it's cold," she replied. "Not all of it, but at least it's not as hot as here. And, uh... they have better onion rings there." [color=crimson][i]Huh.[/i][/color] Pursing her lips, she raised the bottle and took another drink. [color=crimson]"Don't really feel the heat, myself. Or the cold, really. How're the mountains?"[/color] "...Mountainous? I mean, it's not like I've travelled all over Kalos." Rebeca chuckled. This was practically a kid after her own heart. [color=crimson]"Guess you're kinda like me, huh. Not one for talking much."[/color] Emry nodded... though, from what she had seen so far, this Becky didn't seem like the quiet type. A few moments passed in silence while the Avatar muched on a fry. "So, uh... You said your brother wanted you to fight in the tournament? What's he like?" Grinning, Rebeca thumped Mihkail's side with her foot. [color=crimson]"He's an annoying old rock, ain'tcha Mihkail."[/color] [color=e25822][i]I wouldn't have to be if you would stop being so stubborn and stupid.[/i][/color] Despite his words, the Rhyhorn gave a good natured growl, munching on a bowl of berries. Chuckling again, Rebeca raised her head. [color=crimson]"According to Rhyhorns', apparently being a mountain hermit means you're either a predator, or just crazy."[/color] Emry looked a little confused by the exchange. "Oh," she responded. "I wasn't expecting your brother to be a Pokemon. Hi, Mikhail." The Avatars continued to share small talk and munch their food. As time wore on, Emry started to fidget a little more. [i]"Solomon,"[/i] the blonde communicated, [i]"What do you think? Should I tell her? What if she turns around and tells the wrong people?"[/i] The Lucario contemplated his answer for quite some time. [i]"You know I cannot read minds or predict the future. My abilities uncover the fundamental tendencies of a creature, but anyone may choose to obey or disobey those standards at any given moment. I cannot give you any more information than I already have."[/i] Solomon then broke the duo's habit of looking away from each other while telepathically communicating to give Emry a serious gaze. [i]"I cannot make all your decisions for you, Em. This is [b]your[/b] mission. If you don't want to do this alone, you will have to choose someone to trust at some point."[/i] Emry frowned and looked down at her shoes, apparently not very happy with Solomon's response. She fidgeted a little more when she realized how long the pause in conversation must have seemed to Rebeca. The girl glanced around to make sure nobody was eavesdropping. "So, uh... th-the reason I came to this festival..." Emry attempted to keep eye contact with Rebeca, with mixed results. "I've heard there's something really bad happening, and I can't stop it by myself, so uh..." she paused to take a deep breath before forcing herself to continue. "I have a Xatu friend who can peek into the future. She said someone would try to steal Arceus' plates and use them for their own selfish gain. If too many plates fall into mortal hands, it could lead to a world-wide disaster. Grandmother Xatu used her wish to wish that the plates would leave their places in the Hall of Origin and be scattered throughout the world." [i]Ooooh, that one was FUN![/i] the youthful voice in Emry's mind chimed in. [i]Too bad none of them were scattered right by us, though.[/i] The blonde sighed and nervously nibbled on an onion ring. "We thought that would be enough to keep the plates safe, but apparently not. When I saw Grandmother Xatu again a couple weeks ago, she said the future is in even [i]more[/i] danger now that the plates are further from Arceus' watch. So now, a few trusted Pokemon and I are trying to look for them to bring them back to the Hall of Origin. But... well, you know, I'm not very strong. And whoever this is, they must be pretty strong if they might affect the whole world. I'm looking for Avatars to help." Emry looked Rebeca in the eye for a second, then looked away. "I mean, y-you don't [i]have[/i] to... but you're pretty strong, and I think you'd be a good pick if you want to. Whatever you do, just... please don't tell anyone else. I don't have any way of knowing who this plate-stealer is or who might be on their side." Rebeca blinked. Of all the things that she might have expected Emry to say, that was not on the list. Though she couldn't imagine anyone being stupid enough to try it. [color=crimson]"I'll admit, that's a pretty weird story you're telling me."[/color] She glanced at the markings on the back of her hand. [color=crimson]"But, two years ago if someone had told me that I'd be an Avatar of a legendary Pokemon, I'd have said that they were fucked up in the head, but here I am, flames and all."[/color] Her tone was slightly bitter, but she pushed it aside. [color=crimson]"I gotta ask, if somebody was planning on stealing those plates, whatever the hell they are, didn't you think to maybe, I dunno, let Arceus know?"[/color] Emry gulped. "That's part of what I'm worried about," she replied. "I don't know a whole lot about Arceus, but I do know he's very vengeful. It could be that, if he awakens, he can solve the problem quickly and easily without anyone getting hurt. Or, he could be so angry at the creatures who dared to steal his property that he will destroy entire cities. That's why I want to solve the problem soon, before he decides to take matters into his own hands." [color=crimson][i]Sounds reasonable enough, I guess. Makes him sound like kind of an ass, but I get it,[/i][/color] Rebeca mused to herself. Pursing her lips, she leaned forward and braced her elbows on the table. [color=crimson]"And what made you tell me this? What makes you think [b]I'm[/b] not the thief?"[/color] She shrugged. [color=crimson]"Not saying I am, I've got enough problems with the power I've already got."[/color] "Well..." Emry mumbled, visibly unnerved by the thought of Rebeca being the foretold threat. "At some point, I have to take a risk with [i]somebody.[/i] I already know you're not so focused on winning that you'll beat up a kid to do it. And Solomon says you seem genuine." Rebeca smirked. [color=crimson]"Thanks,"[/color] her eyes flicked to the Lucario sitting next to the girl, [color=crimson]"I think."[/color] Pursing her lips, she sat back in the booth and folded her arms, careful not to disturb Maya beneath her jacket. Silent for a moment, she shrugged. [color=crimson]"Alright. What's the first step?"[/color] Emry stared in silence for a second. She hadn't completely expected to get this far. "Um... maybe finding an Avatar or Pokemon who can tell where the plates are? Or try to get more allies?" An air of anxiety still surrounded the blonde, but a small smile crept onto her face. It was this moment that Kaze chose to waltz toward the table with a Miltank burger and fries in hand. His focus was mostly on Emry; he couldn't deny feeling intrigued at the presence of another Avatar his age. And after she revealed her face, somewhere inside he even felt somewhat attracted to her, but he couldn't outright reveal that just yet. "Hi, guys!" he called as he made his way toward them. [color=crimson]"You really don't have any idea what you're doing, do you."[/color] Rebeca kept her tone gentle, raising her eyes as she caught sight of the other kid, the one Maya had liked. [color=crimson]"We'll talk about it later, looks like we've got company. Look who's here!"[/color] She grinned as she called out to Kaze, half-assing a wave. Emry looked down sheepishly in response to Rebeca's comment. She continued to seem uncomfortable as Kaze approached, perhaps upset that her long-awaited progress was about to be halted by another set of ears. "Hi," the blonde unenthusiastically but politely greeted Kaze. "We're mostly done, but... you can sit here if you want to." Kaze was far from oblivious to Emry's discomfort. "Are you alright, Emry?" he asked. "Did I come at a bad time?" He would have liked to eat alongside people he knew, but he didn't want to cause issues. Especially after everything that had happened over the past couple of days. [color=crimson]"Nah,"[/color] Rebeca chuckled, [color=crimson]"we were just talking about how somebody was trying to steal Arceus's plates and how we might find said thief. Is it you?"[/color] Her tone suggested that she was mostly joking. A gurgling slurp was heard as Emry inhaled sharply, nearly choking on her last few sips of soda. "I told you not to tell anyone!" the girl declared with a coughing squeak. "Terrible things could happen if you tell the wrong people." Solomon gave Emry a concerned frown, then calmly watched the other two Avatars. He wasn't happy about Rebeca spilling the beans to literally the first person she talked to-- but he wasn't about to freak out like his partner. Rebeca simply continued to grin. "Yeah, I know, as a joke it's not all that believable. I mean, who'd be stupid enough to try stealing from Arceus, right?" She shifted her attention to Kaze. "You'd probably have to be suicidal or Zubat-shit crazy to even think about it." Reaching out, she gently patted Emry's head. "Don't worry, just because you're not good at making jokes doesn't mean you should be ashamed of it. If you keep trying, I'm sure you'll come up with better ones, right..." she frowned at Kaze, "Sorry, what was your name again? Lot of stuff has happened." Kaze simply chuckled at the exchange. He really wasn't sure whether either of them was serious or not. Maybe Emry had some fantasy of chasing down some evil people who were stealing from Arceus, or maybe she thought it was legitimate and Rebeca just didn't believe it. Either way, Kaze wasn't sure it was any of his business. "It's Kaze. Your name was Rebeca, right?" Kaze replied, deciding to ignore the statement about Arceus' plates. The larger woman nodded. [color=crimson]"Yep. How do you two know each other?"[/color] "I only met Emry just before the tournament," Kaze explained. "By the way," he said, turning to Emry, "it's nice to see you without the mask." "Thanks...?" Emry replied, not sure how to respond. She sighed slightly. "I bet I looked weird, didn't I? Maybe I was a little paranoid. But if everyone knew who I am and what Pokemon I represent, I'm afraid nobody would leave me alone, and that would just make everything worse. Does that ever happen to you guys?" Smiling wryly, Rebeca braced her elbows on the table and held up her hand, letting the younger Avatars look at the black markings on her skin. [color=crimson]"You know how many people I've had asking me if I was the Avatar of Groudon before today?"[/color] The door to the restaurant swung open with a bang as Aktzin strode in, heavy black jacket flowing in the backdraft. A small line was between him and food, which gave time for a scan of the environment. People were sitting laughing, eating, but there was an undercurrent to the atmosphere. A tension that hung so thick in the air you could almost taste it. Just how bad was that attack last night? One particular table really caught his eye. A young girl, an older girl, a young boy,a Lucario and a Rhyhorn. Certainly a strange bunch. However, several of them looked like Avatars. This gave Aktzin pause. He was supposed to report any Avatar sighting to Drystan, but Arceus only knows how to get a message to him from here. Hesitant to act on his own - and incur Drystan’s wrath - Aktzin remained in line, keeping a watchful eye on the group. Or he did, until he saw the menu. Pidgey nuggets, Tauros steak, Miltank burgers… For a brief moment, Aktzin felt physically sick as the bottom of his stomach almost dropped out. His tribe rarely ate Pokemon, and those times when they did were sacred ones during rituals or ceremonies. Each one remembered into eternity. Here, however, was a shop selling them for profit and public enjoyment. The air began to dance around him, as it charged slightly with electromagnetic waves unconsciously being emitted by the Avatar. As his stomach rumbled again, however, it promptly died right back down. Aktzin realized something. That fury was not directed at those people who ate the food. Nor those who prepared and cooked it. It was directed at [i]himself[/i] for not being more outraged at the scene before him. In truth, he was as hungry as the next person here, and was about to happily wolf down whatever he ordered. Which just happened to be a grilled Magikarp. Waiting around at the counter on his order, he pulled out a wad of cash, peeling off several notes to hand to the cashier. The reason behind his new outlook on life and the reason he had all this money was the same. Drystan had handed over the bundle as spending money before they arrived at the city. He had bought him the jacket, introduced him to the finer things in the world, and Aktzin had acquired a taste for them. Living in a nomadic tribe for years, feeling hunger pangs each and every night, had now been substituted for glitz and glory. Drystan had once taken him aside shortly after joining to tell him he’d now live ‘The Life of Riley’. When Aktzin had asked for clarification, he had shaken his head, smiled, and said that “He’d never go hungry again.” He could get used to that. As the cashier handed over his meal, Aktzin had a renewed sense of purpose. He approached the group of Avatars. With Drystan not around, he’d have to take it upon himself to do the introductions. Surely his initiative would net him a bonus. After thinking about the best way to introduce himself, he finally settled with a greeting he had seen several people use since his time in the cities. ”[color=00fffb]’sup. You guys are Avatars, ain’t ya?[/color]” Kaze was unnerved by the new person's appearance. He seemed foreign, not that any of the rest of the Avatars didn't, being half-Pokemon and all, but this man seemed moreso. Trying to give a friendly smile to the stranger, Kaze nodded, suddenly very aware of the diamonds on his own arms. Unfortunately, his jacket's sleeves didn't reach his wrists, so he could do nothing to hide them. After taking a glance at Emry, he remembered his reasoning for joining the tournament earlier, and reached inside his pocket, lightly grasping the Pokeball inside. He didn't know what to expect from this man, but wanted to be ready if his asking about Avatars turned into malice. Raising an eyebrow at the newcomer, Rebeca laid her head on one hand, looking him over. He seemed rather...dour. [color=e25822][i]He smells...tingly.[/i][/color] Her eyes flicked down at Mihkail, then back to the stranger. [i][color=crimson]Tingly, huh?[/color] [color=e25822]Like those Electrike we keep running into.[/color] [color=crimson]Is that right.[/color][/i] She blinked, then shrugged. There wasn't really much point in hiding it anymore, not after having her face plastered all across TV. [color=crimson]"Maybe. Depends on why you're asking."[/color] Solomon tilted his head slightly toward the newcomer. [i]"He appears to be of two minds,"[/i] the Lucario informed his companion. [i]"He is likely an Avatar, or perhaps he's trying to be someone he's not. I would advise limiting the information you give him for the time being.[/i]" Emry decided to take his advice a step further by looking down at her empty Pidgey nuggets box and remaining silent. She could hardly control the other Avatars at the tournament knowing what she was, but she had hoped the general, greedy populace would remain ignorant of her legendary connection. "[color=00fffb]Well, it’s always fun to meet new ones.[/color]” Aktzin tried to smile, sensing some hostility, but it didn’t come naturally. ”[color=00fffb]Especially when you can compare powers and see which ones drew the shorter straws. Then you have the fact I’m under orders to socialise with anyone who even remotely looks like an Avatar.[/color]” The smile turned more into a grimace at that. ”[color=00fffb]Seems to me that’s a good a reason as any, huh, Salem?[/color]” A yet unseen Umbreon appeared from a gap under the table to land on Aktzin’s shoulder and let out a cry. He nodded, as though that answered the question to his satisfaction. ”[color=00fffb]So I’m supposed to offer greetings and salu-somethings on behalf of our small group,[/color]” he said, before pausing to search for something else to say. ”[color=00fffb]So, um… Greetings, I guess.[/color]” Rebeca blinked. [color=crimson]"Your group? Under orders? Sounds to me like you don't really want to be here."[/color] When the leather-clad man made his introduction, Emry felt uneasy. When he mentioned comparing powers and working for some mysterious group, she shut down. The blonde quickly piled her food wrappers onto her tray, not bothering to finish the last couple of cold onion rings, which Solomon snatched. Teal eyes nervously met those of Rebeca and Kaze. She hoped they would get the message that she really didn't want to stay here. Kaze, too, began feeling uncomfortable with the situation, knowing he was in over his head for trying to speak with this man, so, following Emry's lead, he also moved to dispose of his trash. "I should probably be going," he said to the foreign man. "Nice meeting you." And with those words, he ducked out of the restaurant, carefully avoiding eye contact with the newcomer. Watching as one of the group slinked away and feeling the overall atmosphere shift in a strange direction, Aktzin suddenly felt rather overwhelmed. He'd dived right in, now finding himself struggling to keep his head above water. ”[color=00fffb]No, I'm fine with being here,[/color]” he said with a gulp. ”[color=00fffb]Why wouldn't I be?[/color]” He snapped the second half of the sentence out before suddenly regretting it. ”[color=00fffb]Well, I suppose this constitutes a greeting. Let's go, Salem.[/color]” The Avatar turned on his heel and slipped away to another part of the restaurant to eat, wondering exactly what'd he'd done wrong. One this was for sure. He certainly wouldn't be telling Drystan about this. Her gaze switching between the departing Kaze and the weird newcomer, Rebeca pursed her lips. [color=crimson][i]And I thought I was bad with people.[/i][/color] [color=e25822][i]You are. Just a different kind of bad.[/i][/color] She rolled her eyes at the comment and sighed. [color=crimson]"I'll meet you outside, Em. We can go shopping or something."[/color] Slipping out of the booth, Rebeca tucked her hands into the pockets of her jacket, making her way over to where Aktzin now sat. [color=crimson]"Hey. Those two are kinda shy, so don't worry about it."[/color] She gave him a smirk. [color=crimson]"But if you're in the tournament, I hope you'll show a little more backbone than that."[/color] Heading towards the door, she waved. [color=crimson]"See ya later kid."[/color]